Our promise to
Our community

We are Fnatic.
A community that is loyal to the core.
Aspirational by nature. Pioneers by default. Gamers for life.

Performance is at our heart, entertaining whilst we do it.

We develop the brightest talents for the biggest stages.

Winning titles, heroic moments, and sometimes, gut-wrenching defeats.

We create aspirational stories with our community.
You repped us in stadiums, and coined #alwaysfnatic.
Always is forever, and we won't stop now.

Our promise is to continue building the ultimate platform to level up gamers.
Forging a future where gaming is driving humanity's creativity and community.

A way to empower millions more people to say bye to the 9-to-5.
To make a living through gaming in the metaverse.
With ownership shared by those who contribute.

Let’s build a nation of Fnatics together.