AllFeature RequestsFriend referrals?

Friend referrals?

FuriousSyndrome's avatarEve@FuriousSyndrome13/05/2024

Friend referrals?

Potentially may be fun for xp for those who have new FNC fans who don't know off the app to add a feature!

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Avatar for owenmelbz
owenmelbzOfficial@owenmelbz• 13/05/2024
Loading...Hey, we have had referral schemes in the past, and you can still get your friends to create accounts on the website via a referral link, you can get yours from here: However regarding XP, we did used to include this but was abused by people creating lots of fake accounts, so we stopped that and have gone for a more contribution based model for XP.
Avatar for Eve
Eve@FuriousSyndrome• 13/05/2024
Loading...@owenmelbz That makes a lot more sense thanks owen I think the URL is down for me. Also apologies for the amount of posts recently, generally not here alot but wanting to change that!