AllFeature RequestsPartner watchparties idea

Partner watchparties idea

maj3stic's avatarmaj3sticPioneer Key Holder@maj3stic26/09/2024

Partner watchparties idea

I attended one of the Riot Play Club events last night and it was really fun to come together with some of the val community, it made me think how great it would be to get to hang out with some fnatic fans specifically (I wore my jersey and got many compliments haha, there are a lot of us!)

So I would like to suggest “partner watchparties” where members or a community can apply to run one in their area. That could be gaming bars, university societies, or any group with access to a public space. This could be limited only to the biggest tournaments to make them more special. And some freebies for attendees would be pretty cool, but wouldn’t need to be anything major, maybe some stickers to win, or a giveaway for jerseys etc where anyone who attends an event is entered.

I noticed that often big finals like worlds don’t have watch parties in the fnatic office because all the staff are attending live- this would counter that and make it so more members of the fnatic family can come together! And it also means there doesn’t need to be any restriction to only people who can make it to London :fncflag:

What do you guys think? Would you attend a partner watchparty if there was one in your area? Or would you even be interested in hosting one?

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