Alphama wearing his Fnatic jersey

Alphama To Miss R6 APAC North Stage 2

Published: 28 May 2021

With great regret we announce that Léo "Alphama" Robine will not be able to participate in the Rainbow 6 APAC North Stage 2 due to start this summer.

The unfortunate development of a COVID outbreak in Taiwan as well as several other Asian countries and the resulting lockdowns, mean we are unable to safely relocate Alphama or obtain the necessary visa required to participate in time for the commencement of Stage 2. As such he will remain in France and be part of our plans from a distance, albeit with a connection unsuitable for playing competitive matches.

Patrick "MentalistC" Fan will return to our starting lineup for Stage 2 alongside his studies. We thank him for stepping up when we need him most.

Rainbow 6 Team Director and Head Coach Jayden “Dizzle” Saunders said: “We greatly appreciate all the fans' support in what has been an incredibly trying time for the team throughout the pandemic. Despite this minor setback we remain fully committed to Alphama and our plans for expansion into Japan.

“We move nearer to our relocation everyday and believe the hardest part of this lengthy journey to be behind us. As both Japan and Australia ramp up efforts on vaccination, we are receiving a lot more positive news from the relevant authorities and are eagerly awaiting to finally start making positive momentum again. We appreciate the perseverance from the players as well as the support from all the fans, it is what truly keeps the team determined to see this through”

Fnatic Rainbow 6 will begin their Stage 2 campaign within the next few weeks. Keep an eye on the official R6 APAC League social media for updates.

AlphamaのレインボーシックスAPACリーグNORTHディビジョン ステージ2欠場について

今夏開催予定のRainbow 6 APAC North Stage 2につきまして、残念ながら Léo "Alphama" Robine は出場できません。


Patrick "MentalistC" Fan は、学業と並行してステージ2のスターティングメンバーに復帰します。我々が最も必要としているときに、彼が協力してくれたことに心より感謝しています。

レインボーシックスのチームディレクター兼ヘッドコーチの Jayden “Dizzle” Saunders は次のように述べています。「パンデミックの間、チームにとって非常に困難な時期であったにも関わらず、ファンの皆様のご支援に大変感謝しております。このような小さな挫折にくじけず、我々はAlphama、そして他の選手たちが最高なパフォーマンスを出せるように努力し、引き続き日本への進出計画に全力で取り組んでいます。

