AMD: 20 Questions with Caps!

Published: 30 Nov 2017

Welcome to AMD's 20 Questions with Caps! The LoL team midlaner took some time away from the off-season this week, hanging out with our partners and answering some of your best questions...

1) If you weren’t a midlaner, you would be…


2) Three things it takes to go pro.

Effort, skill and looks :-)

3) Orange juice is awesome because…

It is not.. But when it is freshly squeezed, it is, because it makes me feel fresh.

4) You’re packing your suitcase for Berlin. What do you NEED to take

My Sweatpants

5) Who’s your favourite non-League of Legends pro?

Dota 2 pro Ryze :-)

6) The champion I really want to pick on stage but my team won’t let me is…

There are so many… but if I had to pick one, I would probably go with Kayn

7) What’s the worst flame you’ve had in the all chat?

Perkz telling me I am boosted at off role..

8) The biggest misconception of Rasmus Winther is…

That i am bad at playing football.

9) The best play I ever made was…

Probably my first EU LCS series, where I solo killed Perkz with Ryze.

10) The one player I look up to in the west is…

Perkz he sounds like a good teammate while also being really skilled.

11) The stat that fans should pay attention to but don’t is…

Don’t think there are any ;)

12) What’s the best champion for new players to learn the game?

I played every champ levelling up, but if I had to pick one, I would probably pick Annie :D

13) If you weren’t a progamer, what would you want to do?

Probably an accountant.

14) Other than FNATIC what teams do you think will be challenging in 2018?

Gamers2, Schalke and Misfits will be the other contenders.

15) The best player in the world is…


16) How do you feel being so young and already having played Worlds and EULCS under the Fnatic banner?


I am very grateful for the opportunity, I have been given and even though last year did not live up to my personal expectations, it just means, we will have to work harder next year.

17) What was/is your favourite meta?


Back in season 3 when Nidalee and Gragas would be able to one shot Junglers when they tried to gank you :D

18) Can you tell us what is your plan or goal for next season?


I have a lot of ideas that I hope will boost my performance next season. Just like last year, my goal will be to win the World Championship, as well as EU LCS. (also i plan on streaming a lot more next season)

19) Is Vampire Diaries your “boost” before you play game in LCS/ tournaments?


Yes it was, until I ran out of episodes :-(

20) What is your favorite TV show (and why is it Vampire Diaries


I like Vampire Diaries because there is always someone that seems unbeatable and it motivates me to become that person ^_^