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ALGS Fnatic Merch booth

JOFFY53R's avatarJOFFY53R@JOFFY53R09/09/2023

ALGS Fnatic Merch booth

Hi everybody,

Just wanted to make a quick post to send some appreciation to the people running the Fnatic merch booth at the ALGS Championship in the Resort's world arena Birmingham. I didn't catch their names but they are absolutely lovely.

One of my highlights of this 5 day experience was meeting them and getting a jersey. Make sure you guys do the same if you are here too. Fnatic ftw :)

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Avatar for Stepharina
StepharinaOfficial@Steph• 11/09/2023
Loading...Awww this is so sweet!! Was a genuine pleasure meeting you both. Hope we meet again soon 🖤🧡
Avatar for JOFFY53R
JOFFY53R@JOFFY53R• 10/09/2023
Loading...Ran into them at subway. Their names are Steph and Adrian (might be misspelt). They are great :)