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Fnatic since 2nd Mar 2023

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Loading...To cArn/STU: Can we have a complete organizational chart of Fnatic lol-related? It is increasingly hard and confusing to understand what are Fnatic actions on the staff/management side of the operations, and those are important to an esport team success. For example we now know Sens isn't in Fnatic anymore, but we actually have no clue if there's any replacement and who is working with the players in general.
Loading...To cArn/Nightshare : Fnatic LoL Division is being restructured and it's been openly explained in cArn Twitter thread that this offseason leaves us with very few possibilities and we took the changes we could among them. How do you plan on making the players adhere to the Fnatic mindset and expectations since they pretty much know they are just here until better market opportunities arise?
Loading...To cArn : You said on the Discord that Dardo is the "hardest working colleague you've ever worked with". In the meantime, no one can deny that the LoL division he is the Director of had extremely bad results, and worrying management system that make players reluctant to sign here. Since Dardo is still (allegedly) in the org, does that mean that working hard makes you unaccountable for extremely bad results? With the ever growing anger against Dardo on the socials and the total silence about it ever since the season ended, it feels like Fnatic heads refuse to openly talk about the matter. Since the topic of this AMA is transparency, I'd hope you could answer this question. Thanks.
Loading...To cArn : Psychology and reputation are key in the modern esport environment, both from team cohesion and to sign up players that aren't your 6th choices. For the psychology part: Other orgs seem to have been able to build cohesion consistently, such as G2, despite many player changes. Why Fnatic doesn't have someone like Romain Bigeard who is one of the reason of G2 recent success? For the reputation part: how do you plan to rebuild Fnatic LOL Division reputation after terrible management issues that put off rookies and bad results in the rift?
Loading...To cArn : Many promising rookies recently refused Fnatic because they heard bad stuff about the management and/or were afraid a bad split could kill their career. We also heard many former players tackling the management in public, the mediocre training among other things. You claim you and your team are taking over the LoL Division from now on. How do you plan on making it public that the former management isn't deciding anymore (if that's true), so that Fnatic becomes attractive again for players?