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Fnatic since 29th Apr 2023


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Loading...Ye was both expecting and rooting for jdg.. I wanted ruler and knight to get that trophy Hoped for jdg vs gen g Expected jdg vs gen g But i was happy with everything i guess
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MSI tournament
Loading...Hard call for sure.. I've not been lucky enough to catch the xpeke era Basically started watching from the huni reignover domination to date It's hard to not say rekkles or upset being an adc main but honestly our tops have always been people of character that i can't help but favor them If i must name one it's probably bwipo.. But the answer is either bwipo.. Huni or soaz
Loading...@Meyvischh i didn't say you need a team full of veterans.. I said you need a solid core of veterans so the rookies get to develop well Also yes maybe the disparation harmed their synergy but to begin with they had none.. It got better at times and worst at others.. Well rumors seem to hint that the topside is staying so we will see them in summer.. But ye nightshare did some amazing work.. I feel like he got huma motivated to play the same way huma got him motivated to take the dreaded job as fnc headcoach And advienne though it's a hard call.. I do like him.. But it's hard to say no if the replacement is a more rounded more experienced and good at handling rookies (especially that one of said rookies is the adc) support like say trymbi afterall the more pressure and reassurance you give the two rookies the better they will preform Hopefully
Loading...With the news that noah is official and on a multi year contact and with oscarinin (while i still don't believe he was promoted in good faith) showing big potential and growing.. I really hope FNC doesn't consider them just for summer and try to go wild in the next offseason This is purely for the rookies btw.. If the veterans aren't providing enough consistency and stability i think it makes sense to make changes for them then but no point in wasting high potential rookies What do you guys think about that?