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Fnatic since 31st Mar 2024

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Loading...@bunion Eliminating the roster is a bit harsh i would say. I'd want some more communication from fnatics end. Personally we have a good core in the team to work further on...
Commented in
Future of CS2
Loading...To be fair, i think there is still time to make changes. My take is to remove bodyy and Afro for Cadian and Nilo.
Loading...@Franky We only know what we see, and we see that this roster is struggling. Communication problems? Team not clicking? Ofcourse we dont know the ins and out of the team, but i think to reduce the "backlash" fans is to communicate. Whats are the plans, why didnt they change players? So we can know. But they chose not to. I dont see this team getting to the Major, something fnatic wants because of sticker money. Things need to be done.
Loading...At this point countless of topics have been made about the ambition, silence and performance of the CS2 team. No reaction at all. I guess this means that fnatic does not care about their fans. Thats whats clear to me at this point.
Commented in
Future of CS2