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bunion 🐐


Fnatic since 19th Apr 2024


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VCT Champions 2024
20 Years
VCT EMEA Stage 2 Champion
VCT Masters Shanghai
VCT EMEA Stage 1 Champion

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bunion 🐐
Loading...I saw all his tweets and the responses to his LFT, even Elma And Mini are wishing him best of luck on his next team. And he keeps responding to tweets hinting he won’t be in Fnatic!!! this best be a troll ![B3F3E964-AD8C-4E3D-89ED-09CA67AB5A1E.jpg](https://cdn.fnatic.com/community/5315f00c-052b-4cc0-9aff-7acfddbb8aea.jpg)
Commented in
bunion 🐐
Loading...I never realised all of these micro mistakes we made today, really off day for us. This was the most enraging performance I’ve watched our team have in the past 2 and a half years. GG Go next FNC 2-1 G2 https://youtu.be/YgKysN9H81M?si=V5CmKg2arntACDY9
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FNC Lotus Vs TH
bunion 🐐
Loading...Literally the most trashy draw they could’ve done, we have went against TH all year round, It’s so boring. I don’t understand why they thought these draws were even half good. I think we’ll have to do a lowers run FNC 1-2 TH
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Playoffs draw
bunion 🐐
Loading...…. ![1AF055CE-E052-4D59-8206-2B600AE9E361.jpg](https://cdn.fnatic.com/community/0ddced13-7ddc-43a7-8e66-8ede012ef9fd.jpg)
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bunion 🐐
Loading...Does anyone know why my points have disappeared from the leaderboard, but everyone else has stayed. Thank you to anyone who can give me an answer
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