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Fnatic since 1st Mar 2022


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@enesteelast Monday at 5:38 PM
Loading...now kick afro
Commented in
@ Fnatic
Loading...All talk and no action. Nobody outside fnatic management and maybe french fanbase like this roster. Why are you keeping this roster even after constant underperformance. Can we have a team which can complete for titles instead of a team for sticker money cash grab. If you can't just leave from CS management . Stop ruining the legacy of Fnatic CS.
Loading...Also why is fnatic management not taking any responsibility for the past 4 years. Why are you keep building and wasting money on these mid teams that nobody cares about? Why can't you spend some money for once and a good squad like early 2020 fnatic instead of having atleast 2 clear weakness in the squad? And when you had a decent squad with smooya, management failed to keep it for 4 months while you are keeping tgese mid players for ages resulting in other top players not wanting to join. Where was the investment Sam Mathews promised when brollan was sold? Where was the upgrades Carn talked about for the past few years. According to him all the moves he makes are upgrades. How the mezii to bodyy and niccodoz to afro upgrades going on right now? You were also looking for open circuit? But the thing is that your team failed to quality for any event in the past 1 year. You team never qualified any blast events yet, resulting in skipping at least 3 out 10-12 big events per year. Your team also failed to qualify for all the prestige events of this year like major, katowice and cologne and mutiple prestige events in the past year because of poor decisions of the management like keeping the poizon and standin for major qualifiers, not adding cph core with jabbi resulting in failing to qualify for cologne, not playing multiple small events to gain rankings and so on. Stop with the bullshit PR answers like its a process. You amd your core team doing this for many years and still have only 1 big event playoffs since covid ended. Its time for either making big moves or taking responsibility for ruining fnatics legacy and leaving as kassad said to hooxi
Loading...Where is fnatic management hiding? Why can't you keep your words @cArn? Don't tell me there was no upgrades available. Cadian and woro alone can do better job than 2 players in the team
Loading...Is fnatic management willing to resign if this team fails to reach top 16 in the major