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Fnatic since 22nd Nov 2024

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@virtaballlast Wednesday at 6:35 PM
Loading...@Syntrux You can thank management for killing literally any reason to be a fan. Zero info besides "were gonna be better this year", accompanied by zero media besides a separate twitter because the cs team was staining the LOL and VAL teams, or however many teams they've created since then. But at least now they can farm (and lose) CCT because that's the only tournament they can qualify for now since they choke at literally anything else. This is a disgrace, yet its been normalized.
Loading...@virtaball @ja3ded @Sexitz Im not saying snappi or anyone's performance on the team ruined it, and falcons were certainly to blame for their terrible performances, but I cant blame it all on its shitty management, snappi still had the best of the Ence core along with Magisk and boros/dupreeh/s1mple, bombing out of nearly every tournament after kato with mediocre performances should still raise some caution, even with it being a dumpster fire behind the scenes. Im not saying he could still be a good IGL, but basing off his performance 1 1/2 years ago is pretty risky, and can lead to even bigger shitshow for this team (this goes for the rest of falcons/former ence too). Id rather play it safe imo.
Commented in
CS2 Roster Changes
Loading...I disagree with people saying snappi in this thread, he's pretty much bombed during his entire tenure at falcons, and I really cant see the benefits besides his availability and his experience. Im not even sure if Jame wants to try an international roster right now, fnatic's best bet would probably be to find a young IGL to finally create a youthful fnatic theyve been trying to create for the past few years.
Commented in
CS2 Roster Changes
Loading...@anananas Going out 0-3 against the weakest teams after barely beating some of the weakest teams to get to the major, i think that's pretty horrendous.
Loading...Hello, I would like to ask a couple of questions! @bodyy, This team has gotten through alot of struggles throughout the year as you know, and with playing against many new powerful teams across the world, how are you preparing to guide the team through this uphill battle? Do you have anything special planned out? @keita & @Samme, Fnatic has struggled with consistency & maintaining control of the game for a while, even in the final match for the major things became all too familiar for this team. How will you squash those issues out before this pivotal tournament begins? and finally, @krimz, how does it feel being one of the last players from the early generation of csgo still appearing in the major? With many of your previous teammates no longer being in spotlight or moving on from playing altogether, how does that make you feel in comparison? What are your plans for the next couple of years? Thank you so much for to opportunity, best wishes for everybody on the squad!