AllGeneralBreakfast Check ⁵¹

Breakfast Check ⁵¹

Breakfast Check ⁵¹

A bit late but not forgetting you all 😁

What did y'all had for breakfast?!

And if nothing you might find inspiration for tommorow here!

I, myself had 2 croissants, a speculoos donut and a cappuccino ☕🤤

Bonus question:

Did you order the new jersey?!

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InsertName@InsertName• 15/06/2023
Loading...Just a normal one, like always, basically, coffee and brioche. And I haven't ordered the jersey yet 'cause I don't like asking my parents for things they consider "useless" P.s. how the heck can you eat 2 croissants and 1 donut on the same breakfast?
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Loading...@InsertName Its a light breakfast imo 🤷‍♂️