AllGeneralFnatic HQ

Fnatic HQ

Drac's avatarDrac@Drac18/06/2023

Fnatic HQ

Hey guys, I’m visiting London and I’ve been where the Fnatic HQ was in shore ditch

Has it been moved somewhere else ?

I really wished to go there 🤩

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Avatar for owenmelbz
owenmelbzOfficial@owenmelbz• 18/06/2023
Loading...It has moved at the start of the year from Shoreditch! But only about 10 or so minutes away, however the office refurbishment/build is going on currently so there's not much to see unless you enjoy paint tins and screw drivers! Will be a much cooler sight as the year progresses though!
Avatar for Drac
Drac@Drac• 18/06/2023
Loading...@owenmelbz Thanks for your reply !!