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I want to post something about fnatic on my social handel πŸ‘

liuk-bgmi's avatarliuk-bgmi@liuk-bgmiβ€’ 21/08/2023

I want to post something about fnatic on my social handel πŸ‘

I want to post something about fnatic on my social handel.

So that more people can know about fnatic πŸ€“

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Avatar for owenmelbz
owenmelbzOfficial@owenmelbz• 21/08/2023
Loading...What do you have in mind?
Avatar for liuk-bgmi
liuk-bgmi@liuk-bgmi• 21/08/2023
Loading...@owenmelbz Actually I am from India so I want fnatic to come back to India. So I want to post some information and all new updates related to fnatic on my social media hendels . So that more people can know about fnatic And it gains a different dimension