AllGeneralWeekly 50$ prize

Weekly 50$ prize

Stewie90k's avatarStefansLEC Summer 2024@Stewie90k13/11/2023

Weekly 50$ prize

Hi, can someone tell me what is considered as spam so i don’t get banned? Iv been away for couple of months busy moving cross the globe and didn’t had time for the app anymore.Now I’m active again and i would like to know if responding to old posts is considered spam or what is? Thank you

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owenmelbzOfficial@owenmelbz• 13/11/2023
Loading...We don’t have a hard definition of what is considered spam, as that often allows people to abuse loopholes and covering everything is too tricky. The most sensible thing to maybe suggest to think about is… is it a useful, constructive and relevant message. Eg wishing somebody happy birthday from 6 months ago is probably not relevant anymore 😂 You’ll get messaged by the moderation team if anything looks suspicious, so don’t worry about getting banned! Regarding the $50 prize. You can see the terms: