Apex Legends
AllApex LegendsShomaru Cup

Shomaru Cup

Shomaru Cup

Our APEX Legends team played in the Shomaru Cup today.

And they totally nailed it out of the park,

A back-to-back-to-back win in first 3 games.

And placed 3th in game 5 to finish out the day.

For a total of 53 kills and 97 points, over double that of 2nd place in points and almost triple on kills over anyother team!


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Avatar for Franky
Franky@Franky• 30/11/2023
Loading...Man that insane, we are the king of apac-N. Can't wait for the ALGS
Avatar for RenoNiiChan
Loading...@Franky We truely are kings of apacN 🔥
Avatar for RenoNiiChan