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Fnatic since 14th Mar 2022

Fnatic Keys

Membership keys held


Collection of badges currently held via on and offline events

Spotify x Fortnite App Badge
LEC Spring 2024
Fnatic Nation 2024
LEC Winter 2024
Home Ground Champions 2023
Fnatic Worlds 2023
Champions Los Angeles
19 Years
Tokyo Masters Champions
Masters Tokyo
LOCK//IN Champions
App Horizon
First Blood
Citizen Key Holder
Christmas Badge 2023
Beefa la Resistance

Community activity

FrankyCitizen Key Holder
@Frankyyesterday at 8:00 PM
Loading...Recently, I've noticed that when the keyboard is open, the video player is mounted, so we can't see part of what's happening, which is a bit of a shame. It's a pity that we're penalized just because we're typing. I'm not sure if this is normal or not, but I just wanted to point it out just in case. PS: I can't upload any images, whether it's on the app (403 error) or on the browser (network error).
FrankyCitizen Key Holder
@Frankyyesterday at 5:09 PM
Loading...@Franky 2-0 perfect prediction 🙃
FrankyCitizen Key Holder
@Frankyyesterday at 1:28 AM
Loading...More than just being better than G2, I think we have the potential to be good internationally. However, we need to work on having someone who can channel us. Too often, we have leads that we throw away in the mid-game because we take fights without thinking or when we choose late-game compositions that can't do much early except farm, but we decide to contest every objective. If we can solve these problems, I see us as easy world champions.
FrankyCitizen Key Holder
@Frankyyesterday at 1:24 AM
Loading...FUT has won against the weakest team in our group, TL, and against KC, which, in my opinion, is potentially a good team but lacks maturity and therefore consistency, making them not one of the best teams in Europe even though they have the potential to be. They lost against Vita, which shows a lot of weaknesses, while on our side, we are continuously improving. The comeback against Koi on Bind probably boosted our morale, so I would say it's 2-0 for us
FrankyCitizen Key Holder
@Frankyyesterday at 1:18 AM
Loading...If only we could be consistent. I'm not saying we would be the best, but at least we would be better than what we're currently showing. It's too sad to see
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