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Fnatic since 14th Mar 2022

Community activity

FrankyCitizen Key Holder
@Frankyyesterday at 7:50 PM
Loading...I think G2 is the clear favorite, but it's not an 80/20 split; it's super close, and if Humanoid is in top form that day, it's a win
Commented in
Daily WHO??
FrankyCitizen Key Holder
@Frankylast Thursday at 10:33 PM
Loading...Wow nice did Boaster saw it ?
Commented in
Post here as well
FrankyCitizen Key Holder
@Frankylast Thursday at 1:53 AM
Loading...A favorite movie, I don't know, but I would say that films that could be on this list fore me are Interstellar, Pulp Fiction, or Sicario, each different but all made me feel something unique
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Favourite movie
FrankyCitizen Key Holder
@Frankylast Thursday at 1:48 AM
Loading...For me, it's Sentinels, to get revenge for the first Master Reykjavik. We got our revenge at the Lock In, but it's not enough yet. Plus, they have one of the biggest communities, so it's even better to see them cry on Twitter
FrankyCitizen Key Holder
@Frankylast Wednesday at 2:39 PM
Loading...If we're talking all-time, it's Caps. If we're talking right now, it's Caps xd
Commented in