AllGeneralEmergency Meeting now please

Emergency Meeting now please

Emergency Meeting now please

Once again the same excuse as we get after every single important game in LoL. It's getting tiring to end every international tournament as a laughing stock. Fnatic was one of the greatest e-sports teams in the world but since 2018 it has gone exponentially downhill. Instead of asking the fans which overpriced fan system they want, you should start working on the teams themselves so that in a few years there will still be fans left to sell overpriced fan systems to. I am and will always be a Fnatic fan, no matter what, but I hope that some things will change so that Fnatic can continue to play in the highest leagues for many more years and continue to have such a great fan base.

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Avatar for Wqlfys
Wqlfys@Waflec• 06/08/2024
Loading...It happens sometimes tho 🖤🧡
Avatar for FuriousSyndrome
Loading...FNC is so much more than performance and the company needs to get funds some how 😂
Avatar for PinselKonrad
Loading...@FuriousSyndrome But whats the main point of running an Esports orga?
Avatar for owenmelbz
owenmelbz@owenmelbz• 01/06/2024
Loading...This only happened a few weeks ago ❤️❤️
Avatar for PinselKonrad
Loading...@owenmelbz Okay and how did they perform on bigger international events? Or could you name the last bigger achievment the LoL roster achieved? International wins should be reachable for an orga like Fnatic But as I said, I really don't want to spread hate. I love Fnatic more than anything and always will no matter what. It would just be really nice to be able to cheer internationally again and I'm afraid that fnatic is slowly falling apart due to lack of performance