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dbusse's avatardbusse@dbusse25/01/2025

Live Ticket

Where can I buy a ticket to a live Fnatic game?

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Avatar for RenoNiiChan
Loading...@dbusse keep in mind age restriction and other TOS stuff
Avatar for dbusse
dbusse@dbusse• 25/01/2025
Loading...@RenoNiiChan How old should you be?
Avatar for RenoNiiChan
Loading...We often have a partnership sale for tickets aswell
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 25/01/2025
Loading...@RenoNiiChan I also told her about the Secret Shop
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 25/01/2025
Loading...Depends on the Esport but to buy on LoL or Valorant you have to wait for them at the official web or for the Fnatic Tickets Secret Shop
Avatar for dbusse
dbusse@dbusse• 25/01/2025
Loading...@CATXALOTE Can you sent me a link to that? I’m just a mom who doesn’t know anything about this ‘world’, but just would like to surprise my son who is a BIG Fnatic fan. 🤷🏼‍♀️😅