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Fnatic since 15th Mar 2022

Fnatic Keys

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Collection of badges currently held via on and offline events

20 Years
VCT EMEA Stage 2 Champion
VCT Masters Shanghai
VCT EMEA Stage 1 Champion
Home Ground Champions 2023
App Horizon
First Blood
Citizen Key Holder
Christmas Badge 2023

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Community activity

Lars89Citizen Key Holder
@Lars89last Monday at 5:14 PM
Loading...Thank you for BlameF
Commented in
@ Fnatic
Lars89Citizen Key Holder
@Lars89last Monday at 12:21 PM
Loading...I think fnatic kept this roster in fear of not making the RMR. Since we are now in the finals of RES and hopefully win it tonight, will it give fnatic some breathing room to maybe change a player?
Commented in
Future of CS2
Lars89Citizen Key Holder
Loading...@Sextiz It’s just confusing to me that fnatic is stating they are actively looking for upgrade’s constantly and when opportunities arises they don’t act. Why? They wanted to be the best of the world, not staying around 20-30.
Commented in
Future of CS2
Lars89Citizen Key Holder
Loading...@JM1407 If I may be honest, I believe that what NB has done was not right. Fnatic does not have to answer the fans. However, more background information on why certain choices are made would be nice. They need to understand that fans hear nothing and only see poor performances. It comes across to the fans as if Fnatic finds this performance acceptable.
Commented in
Future of CS2
Lars89Citizen Key Holder
Loading...I think I can speak for the entire discord community (correct me if I’m wrong) and I can say we’re very disappointed that there were no changes during playerbreak, but mostly disappointed there was and is ZERO communication. Something need to happen fnatic. Our comments come from a good heart.
Commented in
Future of CS2