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Fnatic since 16th Dec 2022

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Loading...@Milindodo Orgs like nip and astralis aren't going out last place in open qualifiers regularly in a 3 month period against t3 teams. Case in point our biggest accomplishment on this roster is winning a t3 event by edging out NIP Academy in the final. Your equviliancy is ridiculous. If we were making/being invited to big events and performing poorly it would be a fair comparison but you are off in Narnia with that shit
Loading...It sucks but my desired outcome is losses across the board. The more last place finishes we rack up, the more likely at least some of our CS management team will be fired
Commented in
CS2 and EPL
Loading...@Lars89 Given how our mgmt fails over and over without consequences you are probably right. I wonder what things would look like if we held the mgmt to the same standards as the countless players we've signed and cut over the last few years