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Fnatic since 25th Jun 2023


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Home Ground Champions 2023
Champions Los Angeles
19 Years
Tokyo Masters Champions
Christmas Badge 2023

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Loading...To all of you : How do you feel about the Skye nerfs? Is Skye dead or will she still be viable, or will she even be replaced by other agents such as gekko? Good Luck in the Season, wishing all the best🍀💕
Loading...My favourite Fnatic Moment has to be the LOCK//IN Finals. I was do hyped to see all of the 32 new Teams battling in a single elimination bracket. The teams i was rooting for , were (obviously 🧡) Fnatic and the Guys from NAVI. Watching Fnatic dominate everyone really made me happy and i was always hyped for the next matchup. Seeing Fnatic go to the Grand Finals was just wonderful, especially for the EMEA region. Both my friend and I were in Discord Voicechat and we were so insanely hyped to see Fnatic take on Loud in the Grand Finals. After the first 2 Maps we were already celebrating, but our mood quickly changed. With Loud winning the next 2 Maps we were both shocked. But it wasnt over and we trusted in Woasters masterclass. But after the first half we were both in disbelief, our dreams scrambled. We both thought it’s over, especially after loosing the pistol round afterwards taking loud to double digits. But with every round the boys got we were cheering again. Seeing boaster almost cry just broke my heart. And then the 1v2 by Alfajer, i was screaming and was so insanely happy and felt the energy on stage, even though i wasnt there live. Seeing them go 12:11 just made us so happy that fnatic secured the overtime. Then in the Overtime, the Derke glass canon op, collat kill - we were in disbelief of joy. Matchpoint. Both of us praying and hoping for fnatic to close ot out. And then it happened, first frags for fnatic and louds players just kept falling, until it was only aspas left and Fnatic won the Grand Finals. Even to this day this just makes me cry. It was so nice to see Boster and the new Team getting that comeback, after Reykjaviks Second Place finish, Boaster holding the trophy was just a heartwarming moment and will forever stay in my heart. ❤️ 🧡