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FNATIC Valorant exclusive AMA - VCT Kickoff 2024!

FNATIC Valorant exclusive AMA - VCT Kickoff 2024!

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The VCT 2024 : EMEA Kickoff is just around the corner on 20.02.24 and as always we want to give a chance for our fans to ask some questions to our team before the season begins. 📆

Comment down below any of your burning questions you have for the squad before Kickoff! 🔫

Remember to tag the player you are directing your question to with their app IDs here 👇






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Avatar for Aysu
Aysu@leosimp• 26/03/2024
Loading...@leo How do you calm down when you get stressed during matches? When are you most stressed? I love you so much, I hope one day we can meet and I can hug you (if you let me)
Avatar for FncVany
FncVany@FncVany• 19/02/2024
Loading...🧡always fnatic
Avatar for Shahar42
Shahar42@Shahar42• 19/02/2024
Loading...@leo if you weren’t playing with Fnatic what team would you want to play for?
Avatar for Shahar42
Shahar42@Shahar42• 19/02/2024
Loading...@Alfayer what is the agent you love to play the most in games?
Avatar for Fraxz_07
Fraxz_07@fraxz• 19/02/2024
Avatar for FncVany
FncVany@FncVany• 16/02/2024
Loading...@leo @derke are u nervous?
Avatar for swedeZIZ
swedeZIZ@swedeziz• 16/02/2024
Loading...What's your fav spotify Playlist? @leo Any Swedish song you recommend?
Avatar for Twoods
TwoodsVCT Champions 2022@jjattwood• 16/02/2024
Loading...@boasterj Now you guys have got a couple of trophies, how has this affected the team’s motivation/hunger? Do you have any major goals for this year? @derke how many heads are you aiming to click this year? Good luck boys, excited for this year to start!
Avatar for SleepyPenguin
Loading...@chronicle What is your favourite food ? :P
Avatar for psychoticcat
Loading...@Derke Will we be seeing any chamber due to the new chamber buffs?
Avatar for demon215002
Loading...@Boaster @derke can we expect yoru x reyna in upcoming kickoff matches?
Avatar for yahm
yahm@yahm• 10/02/2024
Loading...@chronicle @derke I heard you play on 1440 p can you play that res in tournaments or do you have to switch pack to 1080 p
Avatar for Kallen
Kallen@kallenph• 09/02/2024
Loading...@Alfajer @BoasterJ @chronicle @derke @leo how was the experience watching the league boys play an official match in the riot studio?
Avatar for Kallen
Kallen@kallenph• 09/02/2024
Loading...@leo what do you think about playing skye now?
Avatar for Andreax3
Andreax3@iamgrooty• 09/02/2024
Loading...@leo do you ever plan on visiting the US?
Avatar for AshRunsAway
Loading...@BoasterJ Will we see an astra agent takeover this season (the correct answer is yes, she is the best agent ofc)
Avatar for Artemis Neith
Loading...@Alfajer how many double headhshots on ice box to save the series can we expect this year 🫡🥶
Avatar for sericeu
sericeu@sericeu• 09/02/2024
Loading...@BoasterJ what’s your top team comp for icebox right now? love you guys and good luck this year 💗
Avatar for Jake22
Jake22@Jake22• 09/02/2024
Loading...@BoasterJ how is the aim training going, we gonna see Boaster1 this year?
Avatar for zoecutie
zoecutie@zoecutie• 09/02/2024
Loading...@BoasterJ not a question but good luck for this season, cheering from Indonesia/Oceania 🤘
Avatar for Jcnny
Jcnny@Jcnny• 09/02/2024
Loading...@leo Outside of the pro lifestyle, what sort of gym split do you do? What’s your favourite gym exercise? And is it difficult to train/eat appropriately mid-season?
Avatar for CashmereEmpire
Loading...@BoasterJ @leo @Derke any suggestions on what agent/agents I should try and learn and main in the future?
Avatar for Komydy
Komydy@Komydy• 09/02/2024
Loading...@BoasterJ, I might just be your biggest fan, I quit my job over two years ago to attempt to go pro, following in your foot steps, and I know one day I will be a pro. My question is in reference to your tweet about wanting to take your aim to the next level. I am but a peasant and can not for the life of me seem to get in-contact with you, I want more then anything to help you improve you aim. I will work with you from the ground up, from the myths of aiming and the basics of mouse control, to the advanced mechanics required to make Derke jealous of your new skills. I peaked Top 28 in Aimlabs Aimfest on the global leaderboard and would be ABSOLUTELY HONORED if you would consider allowing me to work with you. From a kid filming league, to a pro, you inspired me. Are you interested?
Avatar for TikoSchi
TikoSchi@TikoSchi• 09/02/2024
Loading...@leo would you go to be a Coach Like Bonkar, after your career
Avatar for leo
leoPro@leo• 09/02/2024
Loading...@TikoSchi Very possible
Avatar for leoenjoyer69
Loading...@BoasterJ When you’re down by a lot, how do you raise team morale? How do you encourage yourself and not lose hope?
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 09/02/2024
Loading...@BoasterJ If we assume that this year will go more or less like last year, and as a result, you would be almost always in competition mode, have you thought of a way to avoid burnout? Anyway, in victory or defeat, we stand by you and the squad. Good luck for the start of the season. :hype:
Avatar for vividOCE
vividOCE@vividOCE• 08/02/2024
Loading...@chronicle how do you maintain such good performance every year? We see players peak at goat potential and then fall off how have you kept the good performance for so long?
Avatar for chronicle
chroniclePro@chronicle• 09/02/2024
Loading...@vividOCE open to feedback and improving every day
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 08/02/2024
Loading...@boasterJ have you been looking forward to do tiktoks with your hgighlights and dances???
Avatar for KarmaTurnip
Loading...@leo Are you planning on playing any gekko on bind or split due to the Skye nerfs? I hope so as a gekko main
Avatar for leoenjoyer69
Loading...@leo how do you feel about the skye nerfs and how heavily does this affect team comps?
Avatar for Acesseu
Acesseu@Acesseu• 08/02/2024
Loading...@leo do you have playbooks of all your sova stuff or do you just memorise important lineups and wing everything else?
Avatar for leo
leoPro@leo• 09/02/2024
Loading...@Acesseu Professional winger, with some lineups
Avatar for ItzSanjay
ItzSanjay@ItzSanjay• 08/02/2024
Loading...@BoasterJ Hey Boaster! before i ask these questions i just wanna say that you have inspired me to try and go pro in Valorant! was wondering what tips you can give to me about igling on a team, as i feel like i black out most of the time and dont really know what strats to call. Also how should i be playing defaults. Also how can i anchor a site as Astra in ranked, im always getting run down.
Avatar for Tomato7
Tomato7@Tomato7• 08/02/2024
Loading...To all of you : How do you feel about the Skye nerfs? Is Skye dead or will she still be viable, or will she even be replaced by other agents such as gekko? Good Luck in the Season, wishing all the best🍀💕
Avatar for leoenjoyer69
Loading...@alfajer which player do you want to 1v1 the most right now?
Avatar for Alfajer
AlfajerPro@Alfajer• 09/02/2024
Loading...@leoenjoyer69 No one actually but if i will play against leo it will be fun
Avatar for leoenjoyer69
Loading...@derke which team are you looking forward to playing against the most?
Avatar for leoenjoyer69
Loading...@chronicle over the course of your career, which match was the most difficult?
Avatar for chronicle
chroniclePro@chronicle• 09/02/2024
Loading...@leoenjoyer69 loud at lock//in
Avatar for leoenjoyer69
Loading...@boasterJ who’s your lessarafim bias?
Avatar for leoenjoyer69
Loading...@leo when does your gekko era start
Avatar for leo
leoPro@leo• 09/02/2024
Loading...@leoenjoyer69 Yesterday
Avatar for PossiblyParker
Loading...@BoasterJ @Alfajer which non-EMEA teams are you hoping to see at Madrid? Are there any teams whose playstyles are particularly fun to watch, that might not get as much attention?
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@PossiblyParker Loud I need a rematch and prx to see my son
Avatar for neonaddy
neonaddyModerator@Addy• 08/02/2024
Loading...@boasterJ your twice bias?
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@Addy Momo🥰
Avatar for Gryzzin
Gryzzin@Gryzzin• 08/02/2024
Loading...@Alfajer when are we seeing you on reyna
Avatar for Alfajer
AlfajerPro@Alfajer• 09/02/2024
Loading...@Gryzzin Idk actually i want but we need the talk w coach
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 08/02/2024
Loading...@Alfajer which are your personal goals for this 2024 esports year?
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 08/02/2024
Loading...@CATXALOTE @chronicle how do you feel about this new season about the map changes on breeze focusing on the deleting of the wall on Heaven?
Avatar for Gema
Gema@Gema• 08/02/2024
Loading...@Alfajer are we going to be seeing you on chamber this season?? @chronicle what is you favourite and least favourite map??
Avatar for chronicle
chroniclePro@chronicle• 09/02/2024
Loading...@Gema all maps are good
Avatar for DTR
DTRVCT Champions 2022@DTR• 08/02/2024
Loading...@Alfajer @chronicle @BoasterJ @leo @Derke are any of you planning to go to an event in Switzerland (Polymanga or Japan Expo for exemple)? Anyways, good lucks for this season🧡🖤🔥
Avatar for chronicle
chroniclePro@chronicle• 09/02/2024
Loading...@DTR no
Avatar for ZaceyHF
ZaceyHF@ZaceyHF• 08/02/2024
Loading...@BoasterJ in the off season have you guys been explore some potential new comps that we the fans most likely won’t think we would see from you guys?
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@ZaceyHF I don’t know if it’s crazy. We just playing normal stuff
Avatar for gotoff4enko
Loading...@BoasterJ what other player/team entrance is your favorite?
Avatar for Jake22
Jake22@Jake22• 08/02/2024
Loading...@BoasterJ anything this year super meta changing or is double smokes/double initiator gonna be the normal still? Any sneaky peaks as to what you're cooking up?
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@Jake22 Stuff be cooking but nothing crazy
Avatar for gotoff4enko
Loading...@leo at what point fo your fnatic career you were the most nervous?
Avatar for leo
leoPro@leo• 09/02/2024
Loading...@gotoff4enko Sentinels
Avatar for Jake22
Jake22@Jake22• 08/02/2024
Loading...@BoasterJ I want an event in London soon, where do you want to see another Masters/Champions event go?
Avatar for gotoff4enko
Loading...@Alfajer @chronicle @leo @boasterJ @derke would you be interested in participating in national teams tournament? And who do you think would win?
Avatar for leo
leoPro@leo• 09/02/2024
Loading...@gotoff4enko Sweden domination
Avatar for jan.
jan.@jan.• 08/02/2024
Loading...@Derke headskin routine?
Avatar for jan.
jan.@jan.• 08/02/2024
Loading...@leo how am I able to get these forearms of yours. wanna have that kind of aim
Avatar for leo
leoPro@leo• 09/02/2024
Loading...@jan. Ping pong
Avatar for gotoff4enko
Loading...@BoasterJ most memorable interaction with you fans?
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@gotoff4enko Fan meets are always fun for me. Can go on for like 9 hours and I’m chilling. Honestly it’s nice just taking pictures and handing out stickers and signing stuff
Avatar for gotoff4enko
Loading...@derke @leo @chronicle @alfajer @boasterJ who is the biggest gamer outside of valorant?
Avatar for chronicle
chroniclePro@chronicle• 09/02/2024
Loading...@gotoff4enko me
Avatar for gotoff4enko
Loading...@BoasterJ @derke @leo @chronicle @alfajer best vct team logo?
Avatar for chronicle
chroniclePro@chronicle• 09/02/2024
Loading...@gotoff4enko fanatic
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@gotoff4enko GM kinda cool
Avatar for gotoff4enko
Loading...@BoasterJ what region would be the strongest if there was no FNATIC?
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@gotoff4enko NA probs
Avatar for Sweetcandybonbon
Loading...@Derke I feel you're really underrated as a duelist player, not getting the attention I believe you deserve? How come?
Avatar for Derke
DerkePro@Derke• 09/02/2024
Loading...@Sweetcandybonbon I don’t know, never really cared or wanted to get biggest attention
Avatar for gotoff4enko
Loading...@BoasterJ @derke @leo @alfajer @chronicle if you need to choose only one agent to play forever, which one?
Avatar for chronicle
chroniclePro@chronicle• 09/02/2024
Loading...@gotoff4enko yoru
Avatar for gotoff4enko
Loading...@BoasterJ if you would choose a different name for your team what it's gonna be?
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@gotoff4enko Sentinels
Avatar for gotoff4enko
Loading...@derke which of your teammates could use the Bald Buff as well?
Avatar for Derke
DerkePro@Derke• 09/02/2024
Loading...@gotoff4enko Boaster
Avatar for Andreax3
Andreax3@iamgrooty• 08/02/2024
Loading...@leo do you speak thai?
Avatar for leo
leoPro@leo• 09/02/2024
Loading...@iamgrooty No
Avatar for gotoff4enko
Loading...@leo who's gonna retire from eSports first?
Avatar for leo
leoPro@leo• 09/02/2024
Loading...@gotoff4enko Alfa
Avatar for gotoff4enko
Loading...@BoasterJ who have more chances in 1v4 against other teammates?
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@gotoff4enko Me?🥹
Avatar for gotoff4enko
Loading...@derke which one of you, in your opinion, enjoying playing valorant the most?
Avatar for Sku
SkuFnatic Nation 2024@Sku• 08/02/2024
Loading...@Alfajer is there anything you are doing differently this year to prepare yourself for vct?
Avatar for Alfajer
AlfajerPro@Alfajer• 09/02/2024
Loading...@Sku No im just doing same as last year
Avatar for Elizabeth
Elizabeth@xelizabethhx• 08/02/2024
Loading...hi @alfajer my question would be, If you could turn back time would you want to be playing the duelist role instead of the sentinel role?
Avatar for Alfajer
AlfajerPro@Alfajer• 09/02/2024
Loading...@xelizabethhx Yes i still wanna play duelist hahah
Avatar for Elizabeth
Elizabeth@xelizabethhx• 08/02/2024
Loading...Hi @leo !! What do you look forward to when you get to travel to other countries for tournaments? all the best for this season!! Campeones!! 👑🏆
Avatar for leo
leoPro@leo• 09/02/2024
Loading...@xelizabethhx Weather, new stadiums
Avatar for Kandinsky
Kandinsky@Kandinsky• 08/02/2024
Loading...For @BoasterJ. Would you ever want to bootcamp in NA? Since Americas have the strongest teams, would that practice against top VCT and Challenger teams there be better than in Europe? Also are there any teams or players in NA you would want to do collaborative content with either with FNATIC or just by yourself?
Avatar for jell
jell@1lyntek• 08/02/2024
Loading...@leo I remembered seeing you use the artisan zero daidai orange in one vid, what can you say about it? (I’ve been wanting to try it for some time now) do you prefer it for playing val?
Avatar for leo
leoPro@leo• 09/02/2024
Loading...@1lyntek Very solid
Avatar for [deleted]
[deleted]@[deleted]• 08/02/2024
Loading...@chronicle , Just wanna say, you nearly dont get enough credit for the back-breaking support you provide the team. Hope you continue increasing your trophy count this year as well 🖤🧡
Avatar for [deleted]
[deleted]@[deleted]• 08/02/2024
Loading...@Derke , youve been one of the most consistent top 3 duelists throughout the years. But even after winning back to back, you havent been talked nearly as much as compared to others like TenZ, Aspas, Demon1 in their prime. Do you think you will set a personal goal this year to better your individual performance? Or will you continue prioritising teams needs (e.g entries) over individual accomplishments. (or both? 👀) Wondering if you had any talk with Elmapuddy regarding your individual performance/goals for the year?
Avatar for Derke
DerkePro@Derke• 09/02/2024
Loading...@SadmanPinon Never wanted to have top attention, just want to be consistent in the game and play as best as I can without feeling burnt out Personal goal would be to be even more disciplined than last year and try to stay consistent with that. Doing what team needs being the trophies, being flashy doesn’t help long term imo
Avatar for [deleted]
[deleted]@[deleted]• 08/02/2024
Loading...@BoasterJ Firstly, just want to say…a huge fan. Its been an incredible journey from the lows of crashing out of Iceland 2022 with 2 subs to going back to back. 1. Considering how you guys simply ran out of gas near the end last year, do you think the structure is set to ensure you guys can still play near your best both performance and strat-wise? 2. As the kickoff starts soon, Im wondering whats your personal expectations from the team based off of scrim results, with new “superteams” emerging from Americas, do you guys think you still have what it takes? 3. Do you think Mini+Elmapuddy is giving you enough support system to go and do your thing? 🧑‍🍳 Lastly, Know that I (like many fans) will be with you regardless of the outcome (whether you win 3 or get grouped)
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@SadmanPinon I think losing champs makes us more hungry to win all 3 this year and if we do start winning we won’t lose sight of the end prize. We will also not practice as intense during the split if it’s going well. Honestly we’ve practiced every team and some na teams came to eu to bootcamp. Even when we were rusty we were still shooting heads. Now we’re like a well oiled machine and i believe we can win all 3. Yeah we have a good system right now
Avatar for Jolel13
Jolel13@Jolel13• 08/02/2024
Loading...@Derke is Yoru meta?
Avatar for Derke
DerkePro@Derke• 09/02/2024
Loading...@Jolel13 Strong agent but also hardest to play, we haven’t seen more than a couple of players that could pull it off
Avatar for Fabio Rovituso proplayer in scrims(any team)? @BoasterJ
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@Virtuofabio BaddyG
Avatar for Fabio Rovituso
Loading...@allteam Who do you think are the best teams in the other leagues? and the worst?
Avatar for evicharli
evicharli@evicharli• 08/02/2024
Loading...@Alfajer Do you like the German food and what is your favorite? Are they also any other things that you absolutely hate when you're in Berlin?
Avatar for Alfajer
AlfajerPro@Alfajer• 09/02/2024
Loading...@evicharli I didnt hate berlin but favorite food probably doner because its same as turkey and all doner places kinda turkish
Avatar for SE Snorlax
SE SnorlaxFirst Blood@SE-Snorlax• 08/02/2024
Loading...@BoasterJ This team didnt have too many changes, but the ones that stand out are mini switching to assistant coach and Elmapuddy taking over. As you are the IGL and probably work the most with those 2 out of you 5. How is it going? What are some differences to earlier years with mini headcoaching, excited for the year? Good luck in 2024!!
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@HeroicBastard Honestly not much has changed and we’re starting to get into top shape the closer we get to the game. Chris brings some different viewpoints which is nice.
Avatar for fdcvfdsgv
fdcvfdsgv@fdcvfdsgv• 08/02/2024
Loading...@leo @Derke @chronicle @BoasterJ @Alfajer What movies, TV shows, or books have you guys been really into lately?
Avatar for chronicle
chroniclePro@chronicle• 09/02/2024
Loading...@fdcvfdsgv AHS
Avatar for fdcvfdsgv
fdcvfdsgv@fdcvfdsgv• 08/02/2024
Loading...@leo Which T2 VCL EMEA Team do you think will win acension this year? Which teams do you guys scrim often?
Avatar for leo
leoPro@leo• 09/02/2024
Loading...@fdcvfdsgv Acend
Avatar for fdcvfdsgv
fdcvfdsgv@fdcvfdsgv• 08/02/2024
Loading...@Derke @chronicle Which VCT EMEA team do you think has made the biggest upgrades to their roster this off-season?
Avatar for Derke
DerkePro@Derke• 09/02/2024
Loading...@fdcvfdsgv KC
Avatar for chronicle
chroniclePro@chronicle• 09/02/2024
Loading...@fdcvfdsgv KC
Avatar for fdcvfdsgv
fdcvfdsgv@fdcvfdsgv• 08/02/2024
Loading...@chronicle Which team are you looking forward to play the most (in the scenario you guys qualify) in Madrid?
Avatar for chronicle
chroniclePro@chronicle• 09/02/2024
Loading...@fdcvfdsgv i dunno tbh
Avatar for fdcvfdsgv
fdcvfdsgv@fdcvfdsgv• 08/02/2024
Loading...@BoasterJ @Alfajer What Hogwarts houses do you think each member would sort into?
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@fdcvfdsgv I’m hufflepuff 🥰 Leo ravenclaw, Alfa huffle, chron ravenclaw, derke gryffindor
Avatar for fdcvfdsgv
fdcvfdsgv@fdcvfdsgv• 08/02/2024
Loading...@BoasterJ Now that mini is your new ass coach (congrats 🍑🍑🍑), what are the main things that have changed role-wise for you two?
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@fdcvfdsgv Not much we still have a decent conversation between Chris him and I. Just got more minds cooking but no one spoiling the broth
Avatar for eclipse
eclipse@Doma367• 08/02/2024
Loading...@Derke what’s your go-to gaming music?
Avatar for Derke
DerkePro@Derke• 09/02/2024
Loading...@Doma367 Metro boomin, Travis Scott, Kanye
Avatar for eclipse
eclipse@Doma367• 08/02/2024
Loading...what new roster are you most excited to play with live? @BoasterJ
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@Doma367 Sentinels
Avatar for Gemini57
Gemini57@Gemini57• 08/02/2024
Loading...@BoasterJ Who's the team you're eyeeing as the biggest competitor/likeliest threat?
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@Gemini57 Honestly not sure. We will have to wait and see who’s on form
Avatar for bibibabii
bibibabii@bibibabii• 08/02/2024
Loading...@BoasterJ, have y’all prepared strats and team comps for all current maps? I’d appreciate you answering. Thank you! 😊❤️
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@bibibabii By the time we play we will have all 7 maps down! Man’s been cooking
Avatar for Lendoth
Lendoth@Lendoth• 08/02/2024
Loading...@derke how many comps have Yoru on it?
Avatar for Lendoth
Lendoth@Lendoth• 08/02/2024
Loading...@boaster do we still have the wall hacks like we did in that one haven game in champs XD
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@Lendoth Saving them for loud this time
Avatar for Lendoth
Lendoth@Lendoth• 08/02/2024
Loading...@Alfajer Favourite Metallica song
Avatar for Alfajer
AlfajerPro@Alfajer• 09/02/2024
Loading...@Lendoth Enter sandman
Avatar for Qark
Qark@Qark• 08/02/2024
Loading...@leo since you guys won everything except EMEA and champs, is the main goal to win those two trophies? If you win both trophies you’ll have won every trophy there is. Is that something you value? Or is it More trophies > over every trophy you can win?
Avatar for leo
leoPro@leo• 09/02/2024
Loading...@Qark Both
Avatar for Manthan-
Manthan-@Manthan-• 08/02/2024
Loading...@leo @Derke @BoasterJ @chronicle @Alfajer First of all good luck to you all for upcoming season. Q) Can each one of you identify any one single mistake your teammates do during matches and have they improved on it or not ?
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@Manthan- We’re constantly working on it everyday. Some of them are super hard to fix and we can only minimise it. I won’t single out anyone though🫰🏻
Avatar for jae
jae@jae• 08/02/2024
Loading...@leo any new chair resting positions you've besides the infamous arms on your head?
Avatar for leo
leoPro@leo• 09/02/2024
Loading...@jae Got too many
Avatar for drug-induced-samurai-carnage
Loading...Do yall have ***yoru ***in any of your comps?
Avatar for ivyissosleepy
Loading...@Alfajer @chronicle @BoasterJ @leo @Derke How would you rate your quality of life in Berlin out of 10?
Avatar for Alfajer
AlfajerPro@Alfajer• 09/02/2024
Loading...@ivyissosleepy 7/10
Avatar for chronicle
chroniclePro@chronicle• 09/02/2024
Loading...@ivyissosleepy 9/10
Avatar for Derke
DerkePro@Derke• 09/02/2024
Loading...@ivyissosleepy 8/10
Avatar for mira-firas
mira-firas@mira-firas• 08/02/2024
Loading...@alfajer will you play reyna in vct ?
Avatar for Alfajer
AlfajerPro@Alfajer• 09/02/2024
Loading...@mira-firas Naaah
Avatar for mira-firas
mira-firas@mira-firas• 08/02/2024
Loading...@leo will you play the same against as usual or not ?
Avatar for leo
leoPro@leo• 09/02/2024
Loading...@mira-firas Yes
Avatar for Donut
Loading...@chronicle Which teams do you think are going to pose a threat to you guys?
Avatar for chronicle
chroniclePro@chronicle• 09/02/2024
Loading...@NotATotalChronicleFan every team, which we are underestimating
Avatar for FNC-Shion
FNC-Shion@FNC-Shion• 08/02/2024
Loading...@chronicle what do you think your impact has been in each vct you have won?
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chroniclePro@chronicle• 09/02/2024
Loading...@FNC-Shion impact is the same as my teammates(the current ones and previous too) did on the tournaments
Avatar for Jackerlus
Jackerlus@Jackerlus• 08/02/2024
Loading...@BoasterJ @Derke Berlin - W or L city?
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@Jackerlus This is a trap
Avatar for Derke
DerkePro@Derke• 09/02/2024
Loading...@Jackerlus ![B05CE398-00B2-4202-984F-2912A05FD580.gif](
Avatar for Robbert159
Robbert159@Robbert159• 08/02/2024
Loading...@chronicle do you expect winning vct 2024?
Avatar for chronicle
chroniclePro@chronicle• 09/02/2024
Loading...@Robbert159 expect the unexpectable
Avatar for COLT
COLT@COLT-GAMER• 08/02/2024
Loading...By the way @BoasterJ you have planned for how you will entery this time 😂 that's the best moments in Tournament.
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@COLT-GAMER Not yet but if we qualify for Madrid then I better start cooking!
Avatar for Elizabeth
Elizabeth@xelizabethhx• 08/02/2024
Loading...@BoasterJ hi boaster :) not really a question but I just want to wish you a good luck for this kick off tournament. Please never forgot that you’re an amazing igl and person!!!! Hope I get to see you play in person this year and go kick (and shake) some butts this season :P
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@xelizabethhx 🫰🏻Hopefully an event will be near enough to you! Thank you!
Avatar for COLT
COLT@COLT-GAMER• 08/02/2024
Loading...My eye 👀 will always on @Alfajer ..Go go go #fnatic
Avatar for Arav
Arav@Arav05• 08/02/2024
Loading...@BoasterJ what is it like with a new coaching structure this year, any noticeable differences?
Avatar for evicharli
evicharli@evicharli• 08/02/2024
Loading...@leo what do you eat on a normal practise day and how does it change when you have to compete?
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leoPro@leo• 09/02/2024
Loading...@evicharli Usually same for practice and gamedays, pasta is a go to
Avatar for TikoSchi
TikoSchi@TikoSchi• 08/02/2024
Loading...@chronicle what do you like to do better commwise, when you start playing this year
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chroniclePro@chronicle• 09/02/2024
Loading...@TikoSchi clarity, that's the main thing
Avatar for TikoSchi
TikoSchi@TikoSchi• 08/02/2024
Loading...@leo how can you have this good Gamesense while still aiming well. How do you connect thoughts to know everything. In comm Videos we Always see you knowing where the enemies are, but not really trusting yourself. Will you also change that?
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leoPro@leo• 09/02/2024
Loading...@TikoSchi I fully trust my own reads, just not shown in the comms videos and it comes from constantly trying to understand enemies tendencies, reactions etc.
Avatar for Jcnny
Jcnny@Jcnny• 08/02/2024
Loading...@leo If your comp is running a solo initiator, how would you decide when to use your util mid-round for gathering info? Do you base it off of timings? Opponents utility usage? A feeling? Or is it something else?
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leoPro@leo• 09/02/2024
Loading...@Jcnny I think its a mixture of everything, also dependant on what we are trying to achive in the round
Avatar for Turquoise
Turquoise@Turquoise• 08/02/2024
Loading...@Derke Who are you excited to play against the most? @leo How did you start playing Valorant?
Avatar for leo
leoPro@leo• 09/02/2024
Loading...@Turquoise Always enjoyed FPS games and tried it out
Avatar for mintTea
mintTea@mintTea• 08/02/2024
Loading...@chronicle considering you have a "flex" role on the team, do you have a favourite type of agent to play? or maybe just a favourite agent in general? wishing you all the best this season!
Avatar for chronicle
chroniclePro@chronicle• 09/02/2024
Loading...@mintTea right now it might be breach as a favourite one, other than him every other agent/role is equal
Avatar for Louisxd
LouisxdFnatic Plus@louis1504• 08/02/2024
Loading...@BoasterJ hey man, I've got tickets for the first Fnatic match on February 23rd, is there a way for me to get your Boastees? :D
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@viso For sure my brother, we will find a way🫰🏻
Avatar for divvi
divvi@divvi• 08/02/2024
Loading...@BoasterJ how much for a twerking vid
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@divvi 3 trophies and I donit
Avatar for jell
jell@1lyntek• 08/02/2024
Loading...Hey @leo with you mainly playing Sova and Skye, how are you feeling about the recent change to Skye's kit? How's that gonna shake up your game plan for the upcoming VCT season?
Avatar for leo
leoPro@leo• 09/02/2024
Loading...@1lyntek Like the changes, gonna be solid
Avatar for MrTaxi
MrTaxi@MrTaxi• 08/02/2024
Loading...@Derke @Alfajer how many piss pauses are going to be called this season
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@MrTaxi 10000000000
Avatar for Derke
DerkePro@Derke• 09/02/2024
Loading...@MrTaxi 2 from me
Avatar for Deevd
Deevd@Deevd• 08/02/2024
Loading...@leo How many times do you think you will Clutch a match this season?
Avatar for leo
leoPro@leo• 09/02/2024
Loading...@Deevd @BoasterJ
Avatar for MoonsLuck
MoonsLuck@MoonsLuck• 08/02/2024
Loading...@BoasterJ How does it feel to be the best IGL in the valorant scene?
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@MoonsLuck Not quite the best yet but am working on it. Ask me in 3 years again and hopefully I can reply!
Avatar for zoecutie
zoecutie@zoecutie• 08/02/2024
Loading...@leo how is the gekko practice going? 🤞
Avatar for leo
leoPro@leo• 09/02/2024
Loading...@zoecutie Incredible
Avatar for Jhin Wick IV
Loading...@BoasterJ Aside from winning more trophies, what are some personal goals you have for the upcoming season?
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@JhinWickIV I’d like to be putting up better numbers this year without sacrificing my igl skills. (Ingame) Outgame id like read more books, produce a song and just do stuff I wanna do🥸
Avatar for KingofKingz
KingofKingzPioneer Key Holder@nebukuro• 08/02/2024
Loading...@BoasterJ @Derke This year there will be some ex fnatic players in VCT. How do you think will it feel like to play against your former teammates and which team will be harder Liquid or KC?
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@nebukuro Love that our team mates are in the league but I love winning more so let’s have a good game!
Avatar for kabi0908
kabi0908@kabi0908• 08/02/2024
Loading...@BoasterJ what kind of new dance walk outs may we expect this season?
Avatar for BossBoiBoaster
Loading...@kabi0908 Hmmmmm, you’ll have to wait and see AKA I don’t know yet😂. I’ll only do them for international events though