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Fnatic since 17th Feb 2022

Fnatic Keys

Membership keys held


Collection of badges currently held via on and offline events

VCT 2025: EMEA Kick Off
VCT Champions 2024
20 Years
VCT EMEA Stage 2 Champion
VCT Masters Shanghai
VCT EMEA Stage 1 Champion
Champions Los Angeles
19 Years
Tokyo Masters Champions
Masters Tokyo
LOCK//IN Champions
App Horizon
First Blood
Citizen Key Holder
Christmas Badge 2023

Games Followed

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Some folks you know and love

Community activity

Loading...For @BoasterJ. Would you ever want to bootcamp in NA? Since Americas have the strongest teams, would that practice against top VCT and Challenger teams there be better than in Europe? Also are there any teams or players in NA you would want to do collaborative content with either with FNATIC or just by yourself?
Loading...Thoughts on EMEA League competition? Many say Americas is the strongest right now, so how far behind are EMEA teams other then FNATIC and NAVi being top contenders like LOUD, NRG, LEV, 100T? Also EMEA League will be a big change of pace from LOCK//IN with 9 matches over 8 weeks on stage. What would the weekly schedule be like for the team before match days during this period?
Loading...![fashR.jpg](https://cdn.fnatic.com/community/c6130f50-ce17-494c-ad4e-8c618f1dbb27.jpg) SeemsGood