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Fnatic since 5th Mar 2023

Hello, my name is Jolel, I am Swedish. I have the biggest Sweden bias to exist. If there is a Swedish person on a team. I will always root for it. But fnatic has been in my heart since JW played on the csgo team (mostly because we have the same initials)


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Loading...Best moment was probably LOCK//IN Finals when we beat LOUD, I cried so much when they lifted the trophy and even more when Boaster started crying during the interview. It felt nice seeing fnatic lift a trophy since Ive been following since I was 10 years old and watching the 2014 CSGO team with JW and him being my favorite having the same initials as me. And then the 2015 League team with Huni, Reignover, Febiven, Rekkles, Yellowstar. Didnt watch a lot of games when I was young, just looking at results. So this was the first time I saw a trophy lift live. Was so happy after following fnatic for so long.
Loading...I watched the Team Liquid vs Giants game and after the game they interviewed Jamppi and they said something like “this was your last time playing icebox” so I guess that means that bind is in next week. RIP Derkes playground