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Fnatic since 6th Jul 2023


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VCT Champions 2024
20 Years
VCT EMEA Stage 2 Champion
VCT Masters Shanghai
VCT EMEA Stage 1 Champion
Home Ground Champions 2023

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@ja3dedyesterday at 1:45 PM
Loading...@MissIncxnsistent Its an online tournament so its very easy to miss lol, youre good.
@ja3dedyesterday at 1:36 PM
Loading...@MissIncxnsistent Youre welcome lol, ive been watching for years might as well put my knowledge to use. Our current igl is bodyy. Hes a decent player and igl but hasnt igl’d his whole career, this is his first time igl-ing a roster of this caliber. That being said hes not terrible so we’ll see how he does with this new piece to the team. Excited to see them play today!
@ja3dedyesterday at 2:07 AM
Loading...@MissIncxnsistent Not a reunion but a move that could/should have happened a long time ago. Hes def an improvement to our current roster and definitely a step in the right direction to start winning. Other possible changes could be our igl and/or coach if things continue to not do well. But we’ll see.
@ja3dedlast Monday at 8:15 PM
Loading...@MissIncxnsistent Hes a swedish awper whos been playing for quite some time now. Hes been on several really good rosters including the apeks roster that made it to the major playoffs not too long ago. Not to mention he was a skilled awper back when Fnatic was a full Swedish roster. He was a possible candidate to replace JW and many fans were heavily advocating for him, but a deal was never made for him. But now almost 7 years later we have him, better late than never i guess.