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Why do ap items get like no overhaul in the upcoming patch

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Avatar for DeusDadidou
Loading...If there is no modif on the AP items, maybe it´s because they are balanced LOL
Avatar for Davis
Davis@Davissam• 10/05/2023
Loading...@himmelreiter are u an adc main by any chance? 🫡
Avatar for Davis
Davis@Davissam• 10/05/2023
Loading...Let’s be real, adc mains just cry a lot so riot has to change Sth to maintain these players 😝
Avatar for himmelreiter
Loading...@Davissam Ikr lol
Avatar for SAMI
SAMIFnatic Plus@238SAMIxD• 10/05/2023
Loading...I guess they are not in such a bad state like botlane items
Avatar for himmelreiter
Loading...@238SAMIxD Yeaaaaaa…. Poor adcs :d