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Fnatic LEC 2024 Exclusive - Post-Winter/Pre-Spring Split App AMA

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Avatar for David-Googins
Avatar for Zwhazey
Zwhazey@Zwhazey• 27/02/2024
Loading...does pineapple belong on pizza
Avatar for David-Googins
Loading...Best of luck
Avatar for Rozeo
Rozeo@Rozeo• 25/02/2024
Loading...I don't know if this has been asked before, but how is everyone feeling about this season so far? Is everyone comfortable on the current meta? Thoughts about certain items, good or bad? Is this season overall more enjoyable to play than previous seasons?
Avatar for lokal_3
lokal_3Rat Army@lokal_3• 24/02/2024
Loading...@ Keep it up Noah (Thank you for replying btw made my day
Avatar for Noah7
Noah7Pro@noah7• 24/02/2024
Loading...Yes I'm excited and I will play zeri smolder
Avatar for MissAle_
MissAle_@MissAle_• 24/02/2024
Loading...@noah7 , are you excited for this next split?? You are really improving and that's awesome, who's your favorite champion to play in lec??
Avatar for MissAle_
MissAle_@MissAle_• 24/02/2024
Loading...@razork como se te ocurrió la idea de hacerte el canal de youtube y que contenido tienes pensado hacer cachorrita??
Avatar for MissAle_
MissAle_@MissAle_• 24/02/2024
Loading...@Fnatic-Jun what is your favorite song at this moment?? ^^
Avatar for plghch
plghch@plghch• 24/02/2024
Loading...whats it like to play with absolute cinema?
Avatar for kaiaasms
kaiaasms@kaiaasms• 24/02/2024
Loading...@Fnatic-Jun who do you think is the current best support in the world besides keria of course
Avatar for Kowyass
Kowyass@Kowyass• 24/02/2024
Loading...@oscarinin do you have any intentions playing kled on stage?
Avatar for TheKlazman
TheKlazman@TheKlazman• 23/02/2024
Loading...I guess im kinda late with question, but i will leave one for @razork here. What positives do you think you will bring from Winter to Spring? (If you think there are any valuable)
Avatar for Mendedgnome
Loading...@humanoid do you feel that lately midlane has become a harder lane to play due to the map Changes? Or do you feel it's more of a benefit to move around the map?
Avatar for KingOfFriendzone
Loading...@humanoid do you enjoy playing off meta pocket picks or do you prefer to sticking what’s strong in the moment
Avatar for David-Googins
Loading...Wish you guys the best
Avatar for yaelzul
yaelzul@yaelzul• 23/02/2024
Loading...@Noah7 Nicki Nicole sí o no
Avatar for Kurohyou
Kurohyou@Kurohyou• 23/02/2024
Loading...@Fnatic-Jun How did it feel playing your first split for fnatic and are we going to see more in spring @humanoid please stay
Avatar for Blaaskox
Blaaskox@Blaaskox• 23/02/2024
Loading...@oscarinin después de este Split, que opinas del resto de toplaners a los que te has enfrentado y cual dirías que es el mejor? Gracias y suerte en el siguiente Split 🤞🏻🧡
Avatar for Rae1990
Rae1990@Rae1990• 23/02/2024
Loading...@razork fav jgler and why (current patch) can we expect some Briar ?
Avatar for baxly
baxly@baxly• 23/02/2024
Loading...@humanoid @razork what champs do you wish were in pro meta right now?
Avatar for bigvalkyrie-
Loading...@noah7 how do you feel smolder right now? Do you think it's a good pick on soloQ or in proplay?
Avatar for Noah7
Noah7Pro@noah7• 24/02/2024
Loading...@bigvalkyrie- I thinks it's more good on teamgame
Avatar for lordofketchupia
Loading...@oscarinin Is it worth to flash for canyon? Btw your Darius was banger. Hope you will pick him once again.
Avatar for lordofketchupia
Loading...@humanoid Who was the hardest to lane against (or play) in your career? Also i would like to recommend yummi mid, Its great pick for destroying Caps (Im silver) :)
Avatar for Stefan19RKC
Loading...@oscarinin @Fnatic-Jun who would win in an arm-wrestling competition of you two?
Avatar for bbryan-
bbryan-@bbryan-• 23/02/2024
Loading...@humanoid u're my goat, keep It up!!!
Avatar for Kayto
Kayto@Dani2k• 23/02/2024
Loading...@oscarinin how do you feel about your Winter and what u can improve?
Avatar for Kayto
Kayto@Dani2k• 23/02/2024
Loading...@Fnatic-Jun have u considered camille as a pick?i saw it yesterday on the Italian League and he did a good performance with it,i think it’s broken
Avatar for MagicNickBall
Loading...@humanoid is there a champion you would like to play more next split? Or try out?
Avatar for holubenzie_
Loading...@oscarinin best champs to play on top in soloQ? @razork and @humanoid how are you guys so sexy?
Avatar for FNC-BurgerCangreburger
Loading...Hello guys! Here IS my question: Do you think we have a problem overextending and keep fightning perma, even in bad situations for us? GL this Split, we can win all in our best shape LOVE you all
Avatar for Deki
Deki@Deki• 23/02/2024
Loading...@Fnatic-Jun Long time no see! How's communication going with everyone in Germany? I'm curious about your language learning situation and methods.🥹
Avatar for Oathion
Oathion@Oathion• 23/02/2024
Loading...@oscarinin Do you think there were occasions where you were lackluster and could provide more to the team? And what's your idea over improving team performance right now?
Avatar for Oathion
Oathion@Oathion• 23/02/2024
Loading...@Fnatic-Jun do you think that latest buffs over enchanter supps are enough to shift the meta completely to one side? And what do you feel more confident playing atm enchanters or engage?
Avatar for Oathion
Oathion@Oathion• 23/02/2024
Loading...@noah7 atm we can all see you have improved. What do you think is your level compared to players like ruler and guma who are consistently on top and how do you feel about playing them right now(hypothetically)?
Avatar for Oathion
Oathion@Oathion• 23/02/2024
Loading...@razork fav pick next split(hopefully) and any previous game you think you could have done better?
Avatar for Oathion
Oathion@Oathion• 23/02/2024
Loading...@humanoid what do you think was the most problematic thing for you personally and the most successful one when thinking of the split that passed?
Avatar for xBlade3
xBlade3@xBlade3• 23/02/2024
Loading...For @humanoid: what‘s the hardest mid lane champ to master in your opinion?
Avatar for Twiforce
TwiforceFnatic Plus@Twiforce• 23/02/2024
Loading...@humanoid man you looked absolutely cooked last 2 weeks is there zaza involved???
Avatar for ilex
ilex@ilex• 23/02/2024
Loading...@noah-7 what ADCs are u hoping to pick up/improve on this split
Avatar for ilex
ilex@ilex• 23/02/2024
Loading...@ilex @biah7
Avatar for Noah7
Noah7Pro@noah7• 24/02/2024
Loading...@ilex Smolder
Avatar for ilex
ilex@ilex• 23/02/2024
Loading...@humanoid what’s ur #1 all time favorite champion to shitstomp gooberlow in (professional play)
Avatar for humanoid
humanoidPro@humanoid• 23/02/2024
Loading...@ilex Akali
Avatar for Kallen
Kallen@kallenph• 23/02/2024
Loading...@fnatic-jun @noah7 will you ever try smolder yuumi combo? Haha
Avatar for Noah7
Noah7Pro@noah7• 24/02/2024
Loading...@kallenph I hate yumi sry :)
Avatar for Adomas
Adomas@Adomas• 23/02/2024
Loading...@noah7 who is sexier marek or ivan?
Avatar for Noah7
Noah7Pro@noah7• 24/02/2024
Loading...@Adomas Marek
Avatar for hannie
hannie@itzhannie• 23/02/2024
Loading...@Fnatic-Jun What are your thoughts on Zyra support? Do you think she can be picked in the LEC at any point? Sending my support as always to the team for Spring🖤🧡
Avatar for James
James@James• 23/02/2024
Loading...Hi all, winter split has been very exciting, the flexibility in the meta was particularly fun to see. The team has shown they are growing and starting to take the fight to G2. G2 have credited an increase in their coaching roster (returning staff) and lots of team practice as crucial to improving their macro for this split. Brokenblade, the MVP of the finals, gave special mention to training with Alphari to improve as an individual. Have Fnatic considered similarly expanding their own base of support to learn from new or returning faces, whether as positional coaching or new macro analysts or something else? How do you as players feel about working with other players in your role to improve? I’m looking forwards to seeing this roster take on Spring split, Congratulations on all your hard work so far, and keep pushing!
Avatar for Vanrodah
Vanrodah@Vanrodah• 23/02/2024
Loading...Hey Boys 🫡 I had a feeling you weren't totally on the same page when to go forward or backwards regarding objectives - how is the communication coming along recently and are you feeling more confident in each other ?
Avatar for whocares
whocaresFnatic Nation 2024@whocares• 23/02/2024
Loading...@oscarinin you received some form of criticism from fans regarding your performance this split - in some simple words - how do you see your performance in winter split in hindsight and in which areas you want to improve? also best of luck to the whole team for spring - I believe in you guys 🧡🖤
Avatar for Maiifrend
Maiifrend@Maiifrend• 23/02/2024
Loading...@razork Hello guys. First of all I am a big fan and always supporting you. 🧡🖤 Now I would like to ask you a question that has been stuck in my head for a while. Back in the time when Trymbi was in team it felt sometime from videos, stories,… that he was not feeling good or there was negavite energy I think. Was there some beef, he didnt felt good in the team or he had some other trouble? And maybe I am wrong and everything was ok.😄 I am asking you Razorkinho my boii becouse you are heart and head of the team.🫶🐅🧡🖤
Avatar for Rambo
Rambo@Rambo• 23/02/2024
Loading...@noah7 how to be better adc?
Avatar for Noah7
Noah7Pro@noah7• 24/02/2024
Loading...@Rambo Play many game and watch good adc
Avatar for aziz-sbai
aziz-sbai@aziz-sbai• 23/02/2024
Loading...What change u think u could do as a team that will make u win athe next split ?
Avatar for ChiefEve
ChiefEve@ChiefEve• 23/02/2024
Loading...@Fnatic-Jun @noah7 Which region is more stressful and which is more fun to play?
Avatar for Noah7
Noah7Pro@noah7• 24/02/2024
Loading...@ChiefEve Every region in earth
Avatar for babschebuhh-
Loading...@humanoid with champion could be buffs so you can play it on mid in the spring?
Avatar for saifd
saifd@Saifby• 23/02/2024
Loading...@Fnatic-Jun how's berlin ?
Avatar for Jun
JunPro@Fnatic-Jun• 23/02/2024
Loading...@Saifby I like the Berlin scenery but I don't like Berlin food 🥲
Avatar for knucks
knucks@knucks• 23/02/2024
Loading...@razork You have been the best jungler in EU and probably in the whole west, how hard or easy is it for you to stay focused on your personal performance while also trying to improve as a team? and do you like to watch other junglers and learn from them or do you have another way to improve? Best of luck to the team in Spring we will be supporting you all the way! 🧡
Avatar for GuitarLover
Loading...@Fnatic-Jun is Nami still a good champion?
Avatar for Jun
JunPro@Fnatic-Jun• 23/02/2024
Loading...@MirceaXT_ Yeah I think still a good play with Lucian
Avatar for xBlade3
xBlade3@xBlade3• 23/02/2024
Loading...Hope the team is enjoying the break! My question to @razork: I love to see how you become one of the best jgls in LEC. In your opinion, how hard it is to cook something new in the jungle (champs, pathing…)? Are you mainly inspired by the eastern teams or do you sometimes try out something yourself?
Avatar for Ko6ie24
Ko6ie24@Ko6ie24• 23/02/2024
Loading...@razork do you have a pre-match ritual for good luck or something you do to get you in “the zone” before going on stage? Also I want to say that I really like how you have turned into an absolute unit during your time with fnatic. Keep up the grind and trophies will come, I am sure of it. 🫡🫡
Avatar for Han-Dogo
Han-DogoLOCK//IN Champions@Han-Dogo• 23/02/2024
Loading...@noah7 are you getting used to your new role in the team, as a kind of a shot caller? Do you like it? @oscarinin What are your thoughts about the changes for spring split? Do you think the top lane meta will change drastically since Ksante is nerfed now? And also keep your head up. We believe in you
Avatar for Noah7
Noah7Pro@noah7• 24/02/2024
Loading...@Han-Dogo Yes I'm improving a lot about tbis
Avatar for ParmenAdam
ParmenAdam@ParmenAdam• 23/02/2024
Avatar for Ligr
Ligr@Ligr• 23/02/2024
Loading...@oscarinin Greetings to my goat! I would like to ask you about incoming K'sante nerf. How do you think will this change affect K'sante in pro play?
Avatar for Ekan-
Ekan-@Ekan-• 23/02/2024
Loading...@humanoid @razork As the most veteran players on the team, which Fnatic jersey is the best one up to date?
Avatar for Raxorsedge
Raxorsedge@Raxorsedge• 23/02/2024
Loading...Just wanna say Make us proud boys 👍👍 @oscar do need to work on himself a bit but Im confident that once he is back he is actually the best if not one of the best top laners in euw. RAZORK ofc is RAZORK. Unchallenged keep it up bro 👍
Avatar for KingofKingz
KingofKingzPioneer Key Holder@nebukuro• 23/02/2024
Loading...@razork why were the teams macro this split worse than last split?
Avatar for jockoo
jockoo@jockoo• 23/02/2024
Loading...@noah7 @Fnatic-Jun Hi guys! How has it been playing botlane together? Do you watch ruler and missing together to improve synergy like exakick and doss do? 😅
Avatar for Jun
JunPro@Fnatic-Jun• 23/02/2024
Loading...@jockoo Yeah we often see keria and guma play
Avatar for Noah7
Noah7Pro@noah7• 24/02/2024
Loading...@jockoo Yes
Avatar for Total-War-Master
Loading...As a team what are your biggest strength and biggest weakness compared to all other LEC teams?
Avatar for Petrik102
Petrik102@petrik102• 23/02/2024
Loading...@humanoid I hope that everybody in the team know at least one czech swear word and that you made them finally try czech beer.
Avatar for EstanliiElSilencioso
Loading...Hi, this question is addressed to both @razork and @humanoid, about the selection of fights during the games, as we take a window to fight either by mistake of the rival when they unposition themselves, at first we manage to kill one or two and increase our advantage over the rival, but many times we keep fighting and what was a clear advantage in our favour becomes an equivalent exchange for the other team, we know when to start a fight but we don't know when to stop the fight. This is my view as a fan and spectator of FNATIC, I don't know if you share this point of view and if you share it is something that is being worked on or emphasised as one of our "weak points"?
Avatar for jockoo
jockoo@jockoo• 23/02/2024
Loading...@oscarinin Hi oscar I think a lot of people have been critical of you because you have already showed you can easily compete for best top in EU. Just want some reassurance that your not letting it get to you. Cuz I believe you will be the best in your position.
Avatar for DeMatick
DeMatick@DeMatick• 23/02/2024
Loading...@razork you are so good man, keep up the good work and spreading happiness! I’m just wondering what is your favorite song right now?
Avatar for razork
razorkPro@razork• 23/02/2024
Loading...@DeMatick Thank you :) Rn im spamming a lot "im still here" from the lol cinematic
Avatar for Rambo
Rambo@Rambo• 23/02/2024
Loading...Hi @humanoid, do you think LEC is better then Czech League ?
Avatar for humanoid
humanoidPro@humanoid• 23/02/2024
Loading...@Rambo Czech league is way better
Avatar for kneus
kneus@kneus• 23/02/2024
Loading...@noah7 whatsssssssup
Avatar for Arjun-Saamy
Loading...@razork Doyou ever feel the pressure of shot calling or do you enjoy it? How do you feel when the game is lost because of your call? P.S. Love how you played last split.
Avatar for razork
razorkPro@razork• 23/02/2024
Loading...@Arjun-Saamy I dont feel too pressure, marek also does a great job with And also eventually you Will make a bad call that can cost your team the game but thats the responsability you have to take :)
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 23/02/2024
Loading...@noah7 smolder viable champ for you ?
Avatar for Noah7
Noah7Pro@noah7• 24/02/2024
Loading...@Franky Yes :)
Avatar for lokal_3
lokal_3Rat Army@lokal_3• 23/02/2024
Loading...@noah7 please stop beain so hars on yourself :( It breaks my heart seeing you sad @Fnatic-Jun you too please. Both of you are improving so much I hope you guys see how good you guys can play when ready.
Avatar for Noah7
Noah7Pro@noah7• 24/02/2024
Loading...@lokal_3 Thank you but I need improve myself
Avatar for Secare
SecareCo-owner@Secare• 23/02/2024
Loading...This is for everyone good luck in the spring split this team can go very far and I have faith I will see you all on the 3rd week of spring split! 🧡🖤 For @Fnatic-Jun how does it feel being part of the team? and how has it been for you so far in LEC?
Avatar for Jun
JunPro@Fnatic-Jun• 23/02/2024
Loading...@Secare first I feel good about being part of the team but i think i didn't do well in LEC
Avatar for FNC Shiro
Loading...@humanoid how important do you think midlane is in proplay this season compared to other roles and previous seasons?
Avatar for humanoid
humanoidPro@humanoid• 23/02/2024
Loading...@TheSceptileen Depends on patch i think but stronger than last few years for sure :o top 2 role
Avatar for Ko6ie24
Ko6ie24@Ko6ie24• 23/02/2024
Loading...@Noah7 @Fnatic-Jun first what are your favourite bot combos to play & how have you tried to improve your synergy throughout the winter split?
Avatar for Jun
JunPro@Fnatic-Jun• 23/02/2024
Loading...@Ko6ie24 My favourite bot combos Kalista + whatever and Senna + whatever anyways I'm studying English harder and doing harder solo q
Avatar for Noah7
Noah7Pro@noah7• 24/02/2024
Loading...@Ko6ie24 I love Kalista +@ we are talking about bot everyday so we can improve everyday
Avatar for Cier96
Cier96Pioneer Key Holder@Cier96• 23/02/2024
Loading...Hey guys just wanna say good luck in the next split you’ve all improved so much and @razork your smite steals….my guy gives me heart attacks at least twice a week!
Avatar for razork
razorkPro@razork• 23/02/2024
Loading...@Cier96 Hahaha thank you so much I have been on point lately with the smites ngl 🤭
Avatar for Andre-del-Rio
Loading...What are you planning to do different this year to end the 4 year in a row without trophies strike ?
Avatar for Andre-del-Rio
Loading...@noah7 @humanoid @oscarinin @razork @Fnatic-Jun Are you happy with the current upper management ?
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 23/02/2024
Loading...@razork cuale son tus impresiones de este split?
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 23/02/2024
Loading...@CATXALOTE @oscarinin tienes algun propósito de cara al siguiente split?
Avatar for razork
razorkPro@razork• 23/02/2024
Loading...@CATXALOTE Split con muchas cosas a mejorar pero creo que vamos por buen camino trabajando la comunicación con Noah/Jun y haciendo que Oscar sea más vocal ingame 🫡
Avatar for Quaxly
QuaxlyFirst Blood@Quaxly• 23/02/2024
Loading...@humanoid Is everybody else in the league bad or is Marek Bràzda simply better?
Avatar for humanoid
humanoidPro@humanoid• 23/02/2024
Loading...@Quaxly Both
Avatar for Doggo
DoggoCow Paulo@EpicDoggo• 23/02/2024
Loading...@Fnatic-Jun Firstly I wanted to say welcome to the Fnatic family. You had an amazing first split, love your aggressive playstyle. As for my question ^_^ What do you think are the strongest support champions on the current patch? ☺️
Avatar for Jun
JunPro@Fnatic-Jun• 23/02/2024
Loading...@EpicDoggo Thank you I think strongest support champion is Camille
Avatar for post__er
post__er@post__er• 23/02/2024
Loading...@Fnatic-Jun Is there a new champion you want to try out next season?
Avatar for Jun
JunPro@Fnatic-Jun• 23/02/2024
Loading...@post__er Bard , Rakan , Thresh
Avatar for Krendys
Krendys@Krendys• 23/02/2024
Loading...@humanoid Who is in your opinion best laner in LEC (ofcourse 2nd best after you I mean)? Or who do you find hardest to play lane against?
Avatar for humanoid
humanoidPro@humanoid• 23/02/2024
Loading...@Krendys Caps
Avatar for uNDeRCoVeRBoSS
Loading...First of all I just want to wish the whole team best of luck for the next split! We saw great potential in the winter split and hopefully as a team and staff we keep growing and improving, so we can be number 1 again of LEC! #AlwaysFnatic @razork You had an amazing split as the number 1 jungler of EU. What will you do to maintain this spot in the upcoming split?
Avatar for razork
razorkPro@razork• 23/02/2024
Loading...@uNDeRCoVeRBoSS I will just keep doing what im doing and try to be really stable with my perfomance + doing all the healthy things outside of the game :)
Avatar for Madscot
MadscotPioneer Key Holder@Madscot• 23/02/2024
Loading...Hi guys, hope you're all doing well and ready to take on the next split. This question goes to the whole team and even staff: this team has shown great potential and was predicted to go further in the playoffs. Where do you think you fell short in the last games and how are you expecting these issues to be solved for the next split?
Avatar for razork
razorkPro@razork• 23/02/2024
Loading...@Madscot Think our issue was mostly about objective set ups comms and be more discipline in the game overall, so we work on that in the Incoming scrims to get it fixed asap 🫡
Avatar for MsDevinci
MsDevinci@MsDevinci• 22/02/2024
Loading...@noah7 Your doing so much better later on in the split than last year where it felt like you started strong then got more nervous in finals. Is this just me or how do you feel?
Avatar for Noah7
Noah7Pro@noah7• 23/02/2024
Loading...@MsDevinci You are right I'm improving
Avatar for Stokata
Stokata@Stokata• 22/02/2024
Loading...Hello guys just wanna wish you luck the upcoming split we saw that you can compete against everyone so I hope you will fix the mistakes and come back stronger