Fnatic Worlds Bingo 2023!
Fnatic Worlds Bingo has returned for 2023 and first up will be the game against LNG!
For the new Bingo players it works just like normal Bingo. If something happens in-game and you have a card correlating for that you can cross that bingo card off and once you get 5 in a row that's bingo!
You can generate your bingo cards using this link here : https://fna.tc/Worlds-Bingo2023
Everyone who gets a bingo will be entered into a draw to win one of the following prizes:
2 x Fnatic Shirts of your choice (Crest/Core or Legacy);
1 x Fnatic Metal Displate Poster in the size 17.7x12.6"
Be sure to upload your completed bingo cards for us to check at least 20 minutes after our game against LNG.
We've given a free card in the middle for you to start off with. Best of luck to all!

Carefully read the T&Cs here : https://fna.tc/WorldsFNCBingoT&Cs