Counter-Strike 2
AllCS2CS:GO . VPN Yes or No?

CS:GO . VPN Yes or No?

CS:GO . VPN Yes or No?

As a dutchie i cant buy csgo keys and open crates. I was wondering is a vpn worth it for this? Can it get me banned? I need some info because if i get back into csgo i do want some new skins.

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Avatar for Davis
DavisCitizen Key Holder@Davissam• 13/05/2023
Loading...Yeah I second that it’s not allowed sorry :/
Avatar for ZIWHu
ZIWHuCitizen Key Holder@ZIWHu• 13/05/2023
Loading...I believe that acording to the steam policies it is not allowed to use a vpn to open cases if your Country has Banned lootboxes. But i dont know if people actually get Banned for it
Avatar for Risingfhenix
Loading...@ZIWHu Ah... that sucks