
@WictorExd• 25/11/2024
Loading...@matys @blamef @bodyy @nawwk What has been the best moment of your entire cs carrer so far???
@Justin• 24/11/2024
Loading...@blamef How do you feel about being perceived as a baiter from the community? and does that harm your market value/prospect in any way? I feel you get so much undeserved criticism when you’re such an insane player :fncclean:
@Justin• 24/11/2024
Loading...@krimz Who was your favourite teammate ever? You had such a legendary career with so many options really interested to know
@krimz• 25/11/2024
Loading...@Justin Hmmmm thats a hard one for sure.
I think i have to mention more than 1 here.
Mezii and JW & flusha i had the most synergy and fun with :fnccheer:
@WictorExd• 24/11/2024
Loading...@krimz ive wondered what is the best moment of your cs carrer so far?
@krimz• 25/11/2024
Loading...@WictorExd Hello!
The first major and katowice 2018 for sure.
Was such a cinderella underdog story winning in 2018!
Light@Light• 24/11/2024
Loading...Thanks for the response! I’ll be cheering my lungs out for my favorite squad, though sadly from the comfort of my home and not Shanghai. Have a kickass time bror❤️❤️💪💪💪
@bodyy• 24/11/2024
Loading...@LeopoldLoewe Hey Leopold !
The way that I’ve seen myself IGL for a few year was to listen and understand everyone’s way of playing and getting the best out of players’ strenghts.
I had to adapt coming into the team, spending a year without IGLing, and trying to fit into the system that was already there.
It took a few months of adapting to the system and finding a balance between freedom and structuring, that is always a really thin line in counter-strike for people to be able to enjoy playing the game, but I would say that everyone is way happier the way that the system is designed today.
We all know what we must do from the beginning of the rounds, while also having some room for creativity to get the most out of different style of players that we have.
I also feel way more confident as a caller myself to give that space to players while still doing something that makes sense on the moment, even if it’s an adaptation call that I’ve never called before. Also everyone in the team is very reactive to help and complement the call. When this happens, we are playing our best CS
LeopoldLoewe@LeopoldLoewe• 24/11/2024
Loading...@bodyy Wow, that was detailed :)
Thank you a lot!
@Samme• 24/11/2024
Loading...@LeopoldLoewe Hello mate!
We currently don't work with a sports psychologist, but I have been focusing a lot on this area this year as a performance coach. We’ve done various sessions on performing under pressure, dealing with jet lag when traveling east, group exercises, team-building activities, developing a winning mentality, visualization, fostering a growth mindset, resetting during games, and using focus circles, among other topics. However, we have worked with external sports psychologists for most of our lineups when needed.
LeopoldLoewe@LeopoldLoewe• 24/11/2024
Loading...@Samme Ok, thanks for the answer.
Light@Light• 23/11/2024
Loading...@krimz Congrats on qualifying for your 17th major, and congrats to bodyy, Blame, nawwk, and Matys for their 7th, 2nd, 3rd, and 1st respective majors as well!
My question for you Krimz, I have an M4A4 Buzz Kill with four of your foil signatures from Atlanta 2017 on it. Would you like to play with it at the major? I’d be honoured to have you use it ❤️
@krimz• 24/11/2024
Loading...@Light Hey!
Thanks alot means the world for us qualifying!
Flattered but have to say no, ty tho :yippee:
Sh1ne@Sh1ne• 23/11/2024
Loading...@bodyy 3DMAX is the only French team that has entered the Major with a 3-0 record in recent years. However, as we all know, they don't have much sponsorship and were even on the verge of disbanding before the Major. It's also quite rare for us to see more French players in first-tier CS competitions. I'd like to ask if you have any words of encouragement for 3DMAX and what's your view on the future of French CS?
@bodyy• 24/11/2024
Loading...@Sh1ne 3DMAX is first of all a team of friends, they’ve had their struggles in the past, also when we were playing together, but it’s a reason of why they achieved their goals now. This kept them going for one more RMR when the external issues got really bad for them, once again. I’m really happy for them and proud of them for not giving up, realizing that they had the potential and the tenacity to do it together.
I think that this kind of result will help our young prodigies to look up for more than just french people succeeding in international teams, that helped me to grind and believe in the french scene back in the days.
We have a lot of great young players, right now going left and right in international teams, but once organizations will realize that they can count of the french scene and find mutual agreements to achieve their goals, we will be back on the map. Thanks to 3DMAX to make everyone believe again
virtaball@virtaball• 23/11/2024
Loading...Hello, I would like to ask a couple of questions!
@bodyy, This team has gotten through alot of struggles throughout the year as you know, and with playing against many new powerful teams across the world, how are you preparing to guide the team through this uphill battle? Do you have anything special planned out?
@keita & @Samme, Fnatic has struggled with consistency & maintaining control of the game for a while, even in the final match for the major things became all too familiar for this team. How will you squash those issues out before this pivotal tournament begins?
and finally, @krimz, how does it feel being one of the last players from the early generation of csgo still appearing in the major? With many of your previous teammates no longer being in spotlight or moving on from playing altogether, how does that make you feel in comparison? What are your plans for the next couple of years?
Thank you so much for to opportunity, best wishes for everybody on the squad!
@keita• 24/11/2024
We’ve had significant development both in and outside the game leading up to this tournament. We’ve made great progress in managing our frustrations and stress, which have often been major factors behind our inconsistencies and difficulties in closing out games.
That said, I agree that we’ve had some really stressful games during this tournament. However, I believe that’s only natural given the high stakes and the nature of the competition. Now that we’ve qualified, I’m hopeful much of that stress has lifted from our shoulders, and we’ll be able to play a smoother, more cohesive game moving forward!
@Samme• 24/11/2024
Loading...@virtaball Keita gave a great answer, but I'll add that we have been focusing a lot on performing under pressure this season leading up to the RMR. The RMR always brings the most pressure, and this one was no exception. I believe all the hard work has been paying off for the team! We have also been consistently trying new stuff in-game to achieve more consistent gameplay and better adapt to the players we have now.
@bodyy• 24/11/2024
Loading...@virtaball Hi virtaball !
The team has known a lot of ups and downs, going for adjustments throughout the year, starting from roles to roster, and I believe this has become a more consistant iteration of the team.
I also as a player and IGL grew a lot learning from experienced players and staff, becoming a more confident and sharp version of myself when it comes to overcoming problems, ingame and outside of the game.
This learning and experience I gathered from previous tournaments got me to this point where I didn’t repeat the old mistakes that could help the team get that extra kill, round or map. So my plan is clearly to keep on giving the most I can as a troup leader and lead the way to make it as far as possible by hard work, dedication in the practice and theorical days, and setting the exemple with motivation and tenacity throughout the games and tournament.

@krimz• 24/11/2024
Loading...@virtaball Hello!
I dont think that much about it but for sure it feels wierd sometimes not seeing the OG’s on the server anymore. Still super proud of being one of the last ancients out there xD.
Dont have any set plans really, just wanna keep competing as long as i can.
The day i lay down my ak ill probably be around esport in someway but for sure some time to reflect and think it through
LeopoldLoewe@LeopoldLoewe• 22/11/2024
Loading...Do you guys work with a sports psychologist @samme?
How did you overcome your choking in the third map @blamef
What is your thoughts behind the Veto - your strengths or the opponent weaknesses @keita?
How much freedom does your system allow the players - how „structured“ in the beginning of the round is it @bodyy?
Are you comfortable in your new positions and do you plan to get more aggressive @nawwk?
How do you maintain your form and what is the difference between your old team and fnatic @matys?
No questions, just wanted you to now, that I hope you stay a little longer in this team @krimz.
@blamef• 24/11/2024
Loading...@LeopoldLoewe Q: How did you overcome your choking in the third map@blamef
A: Hello, I think in those intense moments where everything is on the line and theres alot of pressure, the only thing you can do is to keep believing. No matter how far we are behind or how we lost the map before that, we just have to keep believing that if we play our game we can still win the match.
@matys• 24/11/2024
Loading...@LeopoldLoewe hello @LeopoldLoewe, i try to always maintain my form playing retake servers every single day outside of our team hours, to keep my individual level up all the time.
Biggest difference is definitely very different people in the team, i would say almost exact opposite of what i had before in Sampi Team. More voices, more opinions, much more experience.
@nawwk• 24/11/2024
Loading...@LeopoldLoewe I would say I am on the right path, we did not have a lot of time to prepare for the RMR so I would say I jumped straight into their system in a way. I do think right now I am playing a very supportive Awper role and i would really like to be more involved and be more aggressive in a way. Sometimes i am a bit uncomfortable, but the more time goes by the more used to it I will get. But there is some discussions to be had after the major to make me more impactful.
@keita• 24/11/2024
Loading...@LeopoldLoewe Hey!
In general, it depends on the team we’re facing, their maps, and how those match up against ours. Typically, you don’t want to stray too far from your comfort zone, but you also want to ensure that vetos map pool gives you an advantage going into the game.
Royal16@Royal16• 22/11/2024
Loading...@nawwk What were your first reactions when you found out about Fnatic intention to sign you?
@keita As a coach, how do you prepare the team in strategic terms for a Major?
@nawwk• 24/11/2024
Loading...@Royal16 Hi Royal16! Getting the chance to join Fnatic was an amazing feeling. There has been some conversations between us before, but it never really happened. So to finally be able to represent them is great. Especially since Fnatic has some swedish history.
@keita• 24/11/2024
Loading...@Royal16 We put a lot of focus on ensuring we were strategically prepared for this Major. This included making sure our map pool was comfortable and that we clearly understood our hierarchy of maps. We also put a lot of effort into addressing our weaknesses or "tells" on all maps and ensuring we found solutions for each one.
This is a topic I could write about forever, but I hope this gives you a taste of the work we put in!
MazeMagic@MazeMagic• 22/11/2024
Loading...How confident are you feeling going into the major? Realistic expectations and do you feel you guys are putting in the work to get to the top?
@blamef• 24/11/2024
Loading...@MazeMagic I think the biggest goal for us was to make the major and everything from here will be a bonus. But even with that said, I do think the first stage of the major in alot of cases is "easier" than the initial RMR groups, so I would say that going through 1 more step of the major would be really awesome for us.
I think we have been working really hard and everybody is putting in the work, most meet up to prac many hours in advance everyday to sit and watch demos or play individually, so that is great! Thanks for your question.
@matys• 24/11/2024
Loading...@MazeMagic @MazeMagic Hi!
We definitely put a lot of hours to our game to make it work, thats why we managed to qualify for the major.
Everyone is trying to sacrifice something for one and another, especially ingame, bringing ideas ,fixing details of our gameplay etc.
We know we can do a lot of damage, which means we can go way deeper in the major, not just openning stage.
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 22/11/2024
Loading...@blamef as a player who has known the Major too many times how are you coming for this one?
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 22/11/2024
Loading...@CATXALOTE @bodyy Ive always wanted to know how hard is the job of a CS captain?
@blamef• 24/11/2024
Loading...@CATXALOTE How I prepared for this major was pretty simple, we played 5 pracs a day, I did 1000 kills on deathmatch and 2-3 faceits a day on top of that during our entire bootcamp. On top of that obviously I helped out with watching demos etc for my positions! :)
@TheRoughBaby• 22/11/2024
Loading...@matys so you spent some time with the team. Is FNC all you imagined it would be, when you got the opportunity to join? (Je to také dobré ako si si predstavoval, že to bude v takej org?) 🙂
@matys• 24/11/2024
Loading...@TheRoughBaby Hello my favorite commentator!
Honestly i had no clue what to expect on the start, i was just hoping for success, show what am i capable of ingame and learn how it works in such a big org. Difference is definitely consistency in decisions to compare with my previous teams, or way more individual dedication from everyone in the org.
@WictorExd• 22/11/2024
Loading...@krimz are you planning on retireing soon🥺 bc you are my favorite player rn and i dont want to see you quit the pro scen…
@krimz• 24/11/2024
Loading...@WictorExd Ye ill probably retire before the major..
Iamhereforthemoney@Iamhereforthemoney• 22/11/2024
Loading...@krimz , how does it feel to play in fnc that long and to be able to grow once again with the organization, btw much love king of kings
@WictorExd• 22/11/2024
Loading...@Iamhereforthemoney @krimz is the best
@krimz• 24/11/2024
Loading...@Iamhereforthemoney Hey! Im very proud and fortune to be representing fnatic for this long.
Just an awesome feeling to be back at it with the major, for sure we will do some damage there aswell :fncclean: