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[Vote/Pick]Fnatic Match of the year

EdmundGchen's avatarEdmundcZpPioneer Key Holder@EdmundGchen17/05/2023

[Vote/Pick]Fnatic Match of the year

The match that made you hype from all Fnatic Departments.

Eg. For me:

2023: Fnatic vs Loud (Valorant) San Paulo Lockin Final Map5 Icebox, 3-11 to 14-12

2022: Fnatic(Apex) ALGS Grand Final Game4, 15kills Champion

2021: Fnatic vs G2 (League) Summer Playoff Round 5, Adam Dairus vs G2

2020: Cant remember some, 🤬🤬🤬🤬 TES

2019: Fnatic vs Vitality (CSGO) Master MalmoMap3 Mirage, SG553 ERA

2018: Fnatic vs Faze Clan (CSGO) Katowice2018 Final Map5 De_Train Flusha 5kills.

2017: Fnatic vs Dignitas (HofS) 2017 Midseason Brawl. Crazy 4-3.

2016...2015... 2014... Leave your comments Plz!

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Avatar for Franky
FrankyCitizen Key Holder@Franky• 18/05/2023
Loading...I would say it's either the LCS EU finals against Origen after we had a perfect regular season (18-0), seeking revenge against xPeke and Soaz who left to form Origen. Or, the match at Worlds against OMG, where we left their nexus with 1 HP. The game was incredibly intense, but unfortunately, we lost and were eliminated despite being at 1 win and 1 draw against the Samsungs, the tournament's favorite Korean team.
Avatar for EdmundcZp
EdmundcZpPioneer Key Holder@EdmundGchen• 18/05/2023
Loading...@Franky The match vs OMG was really really hype and dramatic!
Avatar for RenoNiiChan
Loading...2015 probably FNC vs IG Huni's riven quadra in the botlane 😁
Avatar for Stefans
StefansPioneer Key Holder@Stewie90k• 18/05/2023
Loading...@RenoNiiChan And ff ! Maan that was a crazy game
Avatar for RenoNiiChan
Loading...That apex game was 🔥🔥🔥
Avatar for Stefans
StefansPioneer Key Holder@Stewie90k• 17/05/2023
Loading...Every single win agains g2 made me super mega hype , and in general, every fnatic game takes me through a carousel of emotions