AllValorantFinal game starting time

Final game starting time

luma_98's avatarluma_98@luma_9823/06/2023

Final game starting time

Hey guys I have a question ! So on the valo website it says the finals start at 12 am JST, or 5 am CEST, which is the same time as all the first games so far; But Ive seen that the showmatch supposedly starts at this time ?

Does anyone know if they have given another beginning time for the finals or if they said approximatively how long the showmatch would be ? Im not rly interested in it and if I can avoid waking up at 4:30am, I'd wanna do that >

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Avatar for owenmelbz
owenmelbzOfficial@owenmelbz• 23/06/2023
Loading...Check out the event on the app and it will show it in your local time! :p
Avatar for luma_98
luma_98@luma_98• 23/06/2023
Loading...@owenmelbz I did but it says the same time as the valo website so I am confused :'( thank you for answering me though ☺