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LEC Roster 2024

Horaizun's avatarHoraizun@Horaizun07/11/2023

LEC Roster 2024

This year was for us a really stressful year in the LEC.

Since Noah and Trymbi came in Fnatic, a lot of things changed and from 9th place, we got in just one split with that roster to second place in LEC Season Finals and qualified for Worlds 2023, with a chance of just 5%.

What do you think, when the roster stays the same as it was the past split?

What are your expectations, when the roster stays the same or what need to be changed next year in your view?

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Avatar for Stefans
StefansLEC Summer 2024@Stewie90k• 13/11/2023
Loading...I love this roster we have but i heard Trymbi is not staying which is sad because i really wanted him to see him and Noah grow stronger together. On the other hand i would like humanoid to go, yes sometimes he is godlike but most of the times he is mediocre and still after all this years seems like he and Razork are not working together how they should have ! Someone said Vetheo and i would agree with that ! Hope we dont change too much this split
Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 13/11/2023
Loading...@Stewie90k Actually I didnt heard, that trymbi will leave... I also wanted to see Noah and Trymbi together grow, but on the other hand Trymbi didnt showed that good perfomance the last few games as I remember. And I think there are more better supporter in the market. Otherwise fnatic dont need to change atm, because they had every single split this year a change and another change is in my opinion just too much. The team really need some time together playing as a team and working as a family if you understand what I want so say. Humanoid is a possible player, that could be changed. As you say, sometimes hes godlike, sometimes he seems to play soloq on stage. I really hope, Humanoid get some mindset, to play good and high concentration on every single game. Because sometimes I get the feeling, he dont want to play, maybe because the hard time fnatic received in LEC this year. Mentally it was for everyone in the team (for the players) and fans a hard time. But as I said, I dont think fnatic need a change, because they need all to grow together as a team.
Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 13/11/2023
Loading...Interesting I didnt know, but youre true, the performance is really incosistent. In the one game you think hes the best midlaner, on the other day he is "just" a (very) good midlaner. Wouldnt wonder if he get possibly replaced, actually I didnt thought about Humanoid so far. I think the most realistic is support atm, but its not needed so far. We will see.
Avatar for Luka V.
Luka V.@Luximus• 12/11/2023
Loading...I think this will be decided based on who will be available on the market and by taking into account newly introduced “LEC salary cap” or how they like to call it - Sporting Financial Regulations (SFR). I might be wrong, but I think I’ve read somewhere that Humanoid’s salary is considerable. He is talented and a great player, but highly inconsistent. If it’s true that his salary is the highest in the team, and someone else of similar quality who will accept lower salary will be available…then it’s possible that Fnatic could consider a new mid? Also, a lot of great supports are available on the market…who knows what can happen there. I think Oscar and Razork will stay for sure.
Avatar for Sextiz
Sextiz@Sextiz• 11/11/2023
Loading...Imo Oscar Razork Humanoid are a must keep. Óscar is top 3 in LEC already and he has potential to be top1 over BB imo. Razork is solid and humanoid too (even tho his worlds were a little underperforming). Botlane is the only lane i would look at the market to ser whats available, but at least id give Noah another chance. He carried hard some games but choked in worlds, but understandable considering his first worlds. Trymbi for me we should look for a replacement
Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 11/11/2023
Loading...@Sextiz Understandable and I agree with you. I think Noah can perform and improve very good. About trimby, he can be very good, but atm he didnt showed that good perfomance, we will see how it will be going
Avatar for Ole
Ole@Ole• 11/11/2023
Loading...Vetheo for Fnatic
Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 11/11/2023
Loading...@Ole Hmmm interesting, any reason for that?
Avatar for RenoNiiChan
Loading...Roster performed well given the little time they had togheter, that being said i wouldnt be suprised if there are changes with it being Fnatic 😂 Imo if the roster stays the same we will see similiar results top 3 finish domestic, i just worry about our international runs, especially in the midlane where it felt very lackluster. Oscar and noah have a lot of growth potential What ever happens tho #AlwaysFnatic
Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 08/11/2023
Loading...@RenoNiiChan Yeaah I agree with you! Noah and Oscar have some much potential to grow!! I think, we dont have to worry about the international tournaments, because the team will get mote together with the time and will achieve much progress and improvement as a team. I guess from now on, if the roster stays, it will be next year a G2 vs FNC in the LEC, who is the better team and I can see these amazing matches against them both. I hope next year will be a banger for Fnatic🧡🖤
Avatar for owenmelbz
owenmelbzOfficial@owenmelbz• 07/11/2023
Loading...You might find some answers in Sams weekend AMA: https://fnatic.com/community/3444-random-saturday-ama
Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 07/11/2023
Loading...@owenmelbz Yeah I read that actually, thank you! But here I wanted to discuss with the people (Fnatics), what do they think about the roster, to share our opinions and views to that.