AllValorantPhantom or Vandal??

Phantom or Vandal??

MissAle_'s avatarMissAle_@MissAle_28/02/2024

Phantom or Vandal??

I'm a new player in valorant and I always see this type of argument and for me, the vandal is the most comfortable to play with, what are your opinions? Im really curious.

(Sorry if a make some grammar mistakes, im spanish not english speaker heh)

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Avatar for Kryse
Kryse@Kryse• 05/03/2024
Avatar for morethanlms
Loading...I play Vandal to attack and Phantom to defend
Avatar for dopf
dopf@dopf• 01/03/2024
Loading...If you hit the torso with a few shots and hit the head, Phantom is better. If you can decide in one shot, it's definitely Vandal.
Avatar for LoreVesc
LoreVesc@LoreVesc• 01/03/2024
Loading...Idk it really depends from the agent u play and the map, if u play smoker phantom is better couse no bullet trace in smokes, in some map like bind in defense for me phantom is better, but is very situational and personal
Avatar for ekah
ekah@ekah• 01/03/2024
Avatar for DTR
DTRVCT Champions 2022@DTR• 01/03/2024
Loading...Kinda depends on the agent too. Like Vandal for sure but with a cypher or pheonix or smoker i like to go for phantom cause of the better spray patern
Avatar for MoneymanFps
MoneymanFps@Monkeyman• 01/03/2024
Loading...Most offen vandal bit if i dont hit i trry out phantom
Avatar for Creepyking
Loading...The Vandal is my go-to for sure, but I sometimes bring out the Phantom depending on the map and how aggressive the enemy is playing.
Avatar for Deni
Deni@x.Deni.x• 29/02/2024
Loading...I usually play Vandal but when I have a bad day and 0 aim I switch to phantom cause idk why but when my aim with the vandal sucks I usually get the kills with phantom
Avatar for Lolagepew
Lolagepew@Lolagepew• 29/02/2024
Loading...👻 phantom
Avatar for xCrVnzy
xCrVnzy@xCrVnzy• 29/02/2024
Loading...For me it depends on the map and what are we playing Defence or Attack But if I had to choose it would probably be Vandal it’s just clean with the one Taps and nothing feels better then 1Tapping the enemy Chamber or Jett when they play Op 😂🫡
Avatar for swedeZIZ
swedeZIZ@swedeziz• 29/02/2024
Loading...I know as a controller player, phantom is better for me but.. I just love vandal too much.
Avatar for MissAle_
MissAle_@MissAle_• 29/02/2024
Loading...@swedeziz Hahahaha same for me
Avatar for Robbert159
Robbert159@Robbert159• 29/02/2024
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 29/02/2024
Loading...Always vandal, best skins and best performance
Avatar for FncVany
FncVany@FncVany• 29/02/2024
Loading...Vandal on a good aim day ^^
Avatar for MissAle_
MissAle_@MissAle_• 29/02/2024
Loading...@FncVany Good aim days>>>>
Avatar for BatnateYT
BatnateYT@Batnate• 28/02/2024
Loading...vandel unless i’m playing viper and i am planing to use my pit tyen i use phantom
Avatar for TK
TKModerator@AdamTKWallace• 28/02/2024
Loading...Vandal all the way
Avatar for Babs
BabsVCT Champions 2024@Babs• 28/02/2024
Loading...For me vandal!