League of Legends

LEC 2024

hunie's avatarhunie@hunie15/05/2024

LEC 2024

Who of you is coming to LEC in Berlin this year? And are you excited like me?? 🐱

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Avatar for Wqlfys
Wqlfys@Waflec• 06/08/2024
Loading...Only to munich
Avatar for hunie
hunie@hunie• 20/05/2024
Loading...Iirc the seminfinals from worlds are in Paris again this year and the Finals in London.
Avatar for Uldingrath
Uldingrath@Uldingrath• 20/05/2024
Loading...Maybe not Berlin (at least not this split) but I live close to the french border so I will support the boys during worlds (if they have a game in Paris)
Avatar for eurydice
eurydice@eurydice• 20/05/2024
Loading...@Uldingrath We can go together