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Nintendo/ Playstation/PC?

hunie's avatarhunie@hunie22/05/2024

Nintendo/ Playstation/PC?

On what console did you grew up?

Personally i got a PSP and Wii when i was very young but when i got the Ps2 I Just got hooked on Playstation. I got my First own PC with almost 18 years old due to Money stuff and since then I jut cant stay a day from lol or my PC!! 🥹🖤🧡

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Avatar for Wqlfys
Wqlfys@Waflec• 05/08/2024
Avatar for snaKeye
snaKeye@snaKeye• 02/07/2024
Avatar for dngo
dngo@dngo• 26/05/2024
Loading...I think the best is still the PC because it is so versatile !
Avatar for hunie
hunie@hunie• 26/05/2024
Loading...@dngo Oh yea you can really do a Lot!
Avatar for KetKitsune
KetKitsuneModerator@KetKitsune• 24/05/2024
Loading...ps3/wii ❤️
Avatar for KetKitsune
KetKitsuneModerator@KetKitsune• 24/05/2024
Loading...@KetKitsune i mean ps2 😭😁
Avatar for flo-der-echte
Loading...I hat a wii u and got an xbox one
Avatar for hunie
hunie@hunie• 23/05/2024
Loading...@flo-der-echte Oh how do you think about the Wii u? I Always heard negative stuff Abt IT tbh 🤔
Avatar for SirSvt
SirSvt@SirSvt• 23/05/2024
Loading...My father and I played a lot together so we had nearly every Console. Some day my Friends and I got hooked on Minecraft so I had to build my first PC. RN I’m having a Switch Oled a PC and an Xbox. But I’m mostly playing LoL so I’m mainly on my PC 😅
Avatar for hunie
hunie@hunie• 23/05/2024
Loading...@SirSvt Omg you Just reminded me of Minecraft even tho i Just played it Not to Long ago hahaha (my Brother Always used to Show me how i could Download a cracked APK on my Phone) Minecraft was my childhood!
Avatar for mireia_23_
mireia_23_@mireia_23_• 23/05/2024
Loading...I didn't grow up with any console, I used to play on the tablet or the PC. My parents gave me a Nintendo Switch on Christmas some years ago and since then I only play videogames there.
Avatar for hunie
hunie@hunie• 23/05/2024
Loading...@mireia_23_ Oh so you dont have an PC? I also have an Nintendo Switch..what is your fav Game?
Avatar for The French Prodigy
Loading...When you have good pc, pc but the funiest is the Playstation
Avatar for hunie
hunie@hunie• 23/05/2024
Loading...@Daraen0002 That is true! I also Love to Play some Games on my console Here and there even tho i got a good PC!
Avatar for Franky
Franky@Franky• 23/05/2024
Loading...I had a PS2, a Wii, and an Xbox 360, which I bought myself when I got my first student job. So, I got it late, but I consider the 360 to be the console I grew up with and that fostered my love for gaming. It's where I played almost all the games that left a lasting impression on me and that I loved (and still love). From Battlefield to Mass Effect and even the Assassin's Creed series. Then, I had to grow up and I joined the big leagues by moving to PC gaming, leaving the world of consoles behind.
Avatar for hunie
hunie@hunie• 23/05/2024
Loading...@Franky This seems almost Like Out of a movie hahaha