Old and same story
I dont know what the fals are thinking , but its pretty frustrating to see that we do the same mistakes doesnt matter which new player is joining for the last 3 years.
Our Macro is literally the worst ive ever seen , i see Plat to Dia games that have more structure in it as a random stack than our roster.
We are overforcing and overfighting since how long ? Correct since Razork and Humanoid are leading the voice comms .
Idk what everyone else is thinking but we need a player with actually more than one braincell to get our macro from bronze level to Pro level.
It might seem hard to believe or hard to get but i would kick Razork (yes he is our best individual player ) and get a new leader into this team.
Cause hes inting 6 out of 10 games and if u play against actually good macro team we will never win a series.
We need to make a reset and build a team without Razork in it. Otherwise our mistakes and macro will never get away and better.