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Europe vs other regions - what do we need to change?

juli_nym's avatarJuliNymFnatic Plus@juli_nym13/10/2024

Europe vs other regions - what do we need to change?

I know I'm jumping the gun here, but based on this first game G2/BLG, Europe once again doesn't get out of the Swiss, yet again

Are there any changes u guys think the región as a whole can/should implement?

This cannot just be a question of numbers/ solo queue quality. And if it is that simple, it cannot be that hard to train in higher qual solo queues? Or what am I missing?

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Avatar for Flizy
Flizy@Flizy• 10/11/2024
Loading...There is a problem with work ethic in Europe A lot of pros just collect paychecks and dont really have ambition . European Teams are happy when they make it to worlds while asian Team play to win the whole thing
Avatar for LoreX
LoreX@LoreX• 10/11/2024
Loading...I think they have to let Italy free tò play
Avatar for X3MPL3
X3MPL3@gerva• 13/10/2024
Loading...In korea and china they, improve their skill, coordination, they grow up from child to the culture of gaming, if they want they can, in Europe with the mentality we are so many step behind. They take the same region player, the korea have only korean player, ok their language is so difficult to learn but they can comunicate so well, in Europe we take player from other country and the language isnt the same, and the gameplay from state to state change. We have to grown champion from child
Avatar for X3MPL3
X3MPL3@gerva• 13/10/2024
Loading...In Europe we stay 3 years behind
Avatar for SrCalcetinos
Loading...They had champions queue and then stopped that because people weren't playing. I guess number-wise the soloQ is hard to improve. But I don't get why teams stopped doing the LCK bootcamps like in season 7