AllValorantBest Val Update Ever!

Best Val Update Ever!

Hivr's avatarHivrFnatic Plus@Hivr08/01/2025

Best Val Update Ever!

As a low elo Valorant player this is the best update feature ever!

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Avatar for NekoSloan
NekoSloan@NekoSloan• 10/01/2025
Loading...Now if only they nerf the new agent 🤔
Avatar for Hivr
HivrFnatic Plus@Hivr• 10/01/2025
Loading...@NekoSloan He really doesnt feel that op, or maybe thats just cause Im in low-mid elo and people cant play anything other than Reyna
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 10/01/2025
Loading...@NekoSloan Soon
Avatar for Babs
BabsVCT Champions 2024@Babs• 09/01/2025
Loading...Wait what?! I really need to play it again haha! So many things changed but this is one of the best once I have seen so far!
Avatar for dee_dsz
dee_dsz@dee_dsz• 08/01/2025
Loading...I have seen the cheater screen atleast 3 times and I'm iorn lol
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 08/01/2025
Loading...@dee_dsz Yep, thats the thing
Avatar for Hivr
HivrFnatic Plus@Hivr• 08/01/2025
Loading...@dee_dsz I just got back from work and will finally be able to see the new update and how it feels.
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 08/01/2025
Avatar for Hivr
HivrFnatic Plus@Hivr• 09/01/2025
Loading...@CATXALOTE First few games was against ex Silvers current Bronzes THAT DIDNT HEADTAP ME WHILE WALKING LES GO
Avatar for Lyx
Lyx@Lyx• 08/01/2025
Loading...Seems like heaven