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Fnatic since 6th Jul 2023

Argentinian following fnatic since 2013


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LEC Summer 2024
Rat Army
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Fnatic Nation 2024
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Fnatic Worlds 2023
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Loading...@grasskiriku In that case, that should apply to the cs players too lol
Loading...@Franky Yeah, the format wasn't the best. For example, because fnatic lost their first match, they only got to play 1 bo1 on friday, but if they had won that bo1 and then another one that same day, they wouldn't have played on saturday. It was really messy tbh. I can't think of a good enough reason for the lack of English casting tbh, maybe technical/broadcasting difficulties. And I can understand if the crowd was seen as 'cheating' but in reality, that's just how we live sports here in general, always chanting and cheering. You can watch fnatic's games against red canids or nip and you'll see we were just as hyped as 9z fans were for the finals (just no as many fans here compared to 9z lol) and even Afro played around with the 'crowd buff' and the x-rays
Loading...Hey everyone! This is my first post here and I just wanted to talk about what I got to experience this past weekend here on Buenos Aires. First of all, I just want you to know how much a tournament like this means to our region (speaking from a south american perspective). It's not common to have tier 1 orgs come to the region, first time that happened was the Rio major, and this would be the second time if I'm not mistaken (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). As an Argentinian who has been following Fnatic for a decade now, it's surreal that I got to see the team in home soil (and of course watching Nip vs Fnatic was one of the best things that happened in my life). I hope this event (alongside Rio major) serves as a presentation letter for foreign tournament organizers to see how passionately we take cs and esports in general. That being said, I know the team didn't show the result we were all hoping for. We're going through a rough patch (and have been for the last couple years) and it shows. But before we take it all out on the players or the management, I just wanted to point out that the team finally seems to be finding its way. Maybe roster changes are in order, but I know for a fact that every player gave it their all in this tournament, so I just wanted to say thank you to the guys for giving us such an amazing show (and please @cArn hold on to Matys for as long as possible, I got to talk a bit with the guy and his knowledge and commitment to the game are incredible). If anyone read through all of this, thank you, you're the goat :)
Loading...Pues no mi rey, no trajeron merch para vender en la fireleague. Hubiera estado genial, pero dudo que hubiera sido un buen negocio para Fnatic teniendo en cuenta la situación económica de los argentinos y el valor de la merch (que es de un precio razonable para europa/usa pero aca sería 2/3 veces mas caro comprar una remera de Fnatic que una de 9z/Bestia)