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LEC Winter 2024
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Loading...Because we love LEC. Enough of this "G2 is always winning", now it's FNC time. Each year, we watch the finals together. Finally, it would be nice to watch it in the arena since it's not that far.
Loading...I think it would be a nice addition to FNATIC for various reasons, first off it's not as expensive as signing a 5 man team, coaching staff and paying rent for a facility, you just sign 1 guy, and you mainly act as a sponsor, like you just pay for travel when the player go to a tournament. I also think Smash is a fairly easy game to understand and to enjoy watching even if you don't know much about it, you got 2 characters hitting each others, so you see what happens and you understand, even if the game is obviously more deep than that. Also, there's this M4E guy, free agent, who just did top3 at the last eu major, and glutonny (best in eu) just said he belongs to the top 5 in eu or will be soon for sure 👀
Loading...Lemon. Swiss peoples will agree.
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