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Fnatic since 17th Feb 2022

I am exporter in Japan. Been following Fnatic since their 2014 Roster. I like fast cars and being adventurous. I get to travel around the world with my job so meeting new people is always great.

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GilgameshPioneer Key Holder
Loading...I know I have said this 100 times, but some stuff for kids. A lot of the original fans of Fnatic are growing up. We have families, and I want to have a mini jersey for my daughter in the same way my father gave me Patriot jerseys when I was young. Whether I watch football or not, I can still feel a sensation when "My" team wins. Its how we will get longevity out of E-sports for generations to come. Also socks and backpacks would be sweet.
GilgameshPioneer Key Holder
Loading...So lets get to the elaphant in the room. This is the worst Fnatic has performed in years, and I think we are all feeling down, but no more so than the players. I don't think this is excusable given the incredible ability of all 5 of these players. I am not sure what the future for this roster holds, but I hope none of the players blame themselves too much, and I think they are still very capable. I think YamatoCannon not being a part of the team is showing quite a bit. We are lucky however that this will be short, and Fnatic will be back at it again soon. I wish all the best to the team and support staff, and let this be a blemish, not a expectation. Good luck guys, and keep your heads up.