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Fnatic Keys

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Spotify x Fortnite App Badge
Cow Paulo
Worlds 2024 Berlin
VCT Champions 2024
20 Years
VCT EMEA Stage 2 Champion
LEC Summer 2024
VCT Masters Shanghai
VCT EMEA Stage 1 Champion
Rat Army
MSI 2024
LEC Spring 2024
Fnatic Nation 2024
Home Ground Champions 2023
Champions Los Angeles
19 Years
Tokyo Masters Champions
Masters Tokyo
App Horizon
Pioneer Key Holder
VCT EMEA Watch Party
Christmas Badge 2023

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MrFoxyWorlds 2024 Berlin
Loading...Have you reached out to the shop team?
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Fnatic Worlds Kit
MrFoxyWorlds 2024 Berlin
Loading...According to Liquipedia, they will be competing in Redbull Homeground Source:
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RedBull Homeground
MrFoxyWorlds 2024 Berlin
Loading...@FuriousSyndrome Not really a fan of converse tho
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Fnatic shoes
MrFoxyWorlds 2024 Berlin
Loading...Not gonna lie, I'd actually wear those. I'm not a sneaker typer of guy, but these actually look sick and I'd love to wear them, hands down. When can I buy them? xD
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Fnatic shoes
MrFoxyWorlds 2024 Berlin
Loading...Sooo, VCT EMEA SPLIT 1 is behing us and maaaaan, what a match that was. Let me just say it fist. My voice, it's absolutely DESTROYED!! I can barely talk, people can barely understand me, but hey, that's the part of being a fnatic fan and passionately cheering for them. Now, onto the juicy bit. As probably everyone watched it on stream, the first 2 games, were...intense, to say the least. Of course, we'll be down on Sunset, since we're banning it every time and pretty much avoiding it at all cost, so it's understandable, that we lost that map. Bind, ok, that was an intense map. We all shed some sweat and bloo...wait, we were actually fighting, never mind xD Now, OT rolls around and a lovely gentlemen called Tolkin, who's quite famous in the German LoL scene, just so happen to be sitting in the fnatic stand and well...I've been captured 😅😅 [video][/video] Not my proudest moment, but hey, I'll take it xD hahaha It really gives you a perspective, of how stressed I was on Bind haha The 3 maps that we've got at the end, were quite stressful and **NOT GOOD FOR YOUR HEART AND HEALTH IN GENERAL**, wouldn't you agree? 😅😅😅 We had our moments, we had our down falls, but most importantly, we did came on top. But, just like my first ever VCT event, I got put on the mic...again xD hahaha As a Gold 2 player, I didn't know what to say to the question that I was asked and so my ''downfall'' happened by a simple question: How's everyone doing? Are you all okay? The rest, you can find at the below video: Now, this wasn't it. this wasn't the pinacle of everything I've seen in that day. Yes, it was amazing to be on stream, yes, I was hella nervous being there with a microphone, while thousands of people watching around the globe (I mean, cmon, who wouldn't it be? 😅), the best moment in the whole day and VCT, was the very last round. The round that sealed it all off, and the round we became **THE **Champs of EMEA. The excitement, the adrenaline, the emotions that rushed with final kill blows and what not, you can't put them into words. You have to be there, to feel the electricity in the air, to feel the excitement and emotions. The cheering from the fans and happy screams from the team, that was surreal. While I believed in Fnatic and our boys, after map 2, it didn't looked good, so I almost gave up the hope, but thank god I haven't. Despite taking so many pictures with the boy already, I'm happy I did it again, as they recognized me immediately, as I've entered it (at the beginning, Alfa says Who are we, so I replied Last time I checked, we're still FNC xD; only mentioning this, due to no early recording of that happening, but you can kinda hear me replying back). [video][/video] ![20240512_231358.jpg]( While I'm probably yapping for too long as this point, I just wanna say, that I'm extremely happy, to be part of this amazing family. Couldn't have picked a better home, to watch the games and cheer for the boys. The dedication of the team and the success that they bring, it's on anther level. Thank you to everyone, that sent me screenshots of me being on stream, I appreciate you all. Also, I wanna give a HUUUUUUUUGE shoutout to @jodiexe for the following art. I absolutely love it!! 😍😍😍 ![wTjRr3Ae.png]( P.S. If you're wondering, if I'm that OOO AAA EEE guy, Yes, I'm one of them xD My partner in crime for this is @Alamut97, I'm not the only one doing it. Don't want to take all the credits (he's next to me on the following picture) ![53716592171_95c96ebf06_o.jpg](