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Fnatic since 29th Mar 2022

Fnatic Keys

Membership keys held


Collection of badges currently held via on and offline events

VCT Champions 2024
20 Years
LEC Spring 2024
LEC Winter 2024
Home Ground Champions 2023
LOCK//IN Champions
App Horizon
Pioneer Key Holder
Citizen Key Holder
Champion - FIRE

Games Followed

The games you love all there for you

Talent Followed

Some folks you know and love

Community activity

Loading...Boys belive me when i say me and my friend are huge fnatic fans. Always have been Always Will be. Everytime there is a fnatic game we meet up at Home, or over discord to see it together. we have even tried seeing Them live multiple times. Estatic is what we Will be if we win theese tickets! From one fnatic fan to another, good luck everyone
Loading...@Franky Yes i am aware, but thats again from the nft not the stocks. Im overall really happy, just dont see much use for Holding the stocks. And to me thats a little sad.