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Fnatic since 5th Sep 2023


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20 Years
LEC Summer 2024
Rat Army
MSI 2024
LEC Spring 2024
LEC Winter 2024
Fnatic Worlds 2023
Christmas Badge 2023

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Loading...2012 The roster with Soaz, Cyanide, Sexpeke (xpeke), yellowstar, nrated. I do more remember the roster of the same top side but with Rekkles and Yellowstar but I'm guessing that's due to longevity and Rekky being the face of the LoL side for ages. I also thoroughly followed CS and watching Fnatic from 2013 - 2017 was a pleasure. The roster with Flusha, Krimz, Pronax, JW and Olof was simply jaw dropping and mixing up and getting Dennis for Pronax and making Flusha igl (i believe that was the case with a lot of help from DevilWalk) just iconic all in all