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Fnatic since 5th Jul 2023

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Loading...Damn this looks perfect, but sponsor logos would ruin it. Also looks like it would be sick with using velvety material for the black part. I would so buy it as a christmas gift to myself. Im ngl, last cpuple of years i havent purchased any merch from fnatic because they have not looked good.
Loading...Well, considering what my expetations for thiss year were after the winter split, i can safely say that lads absolutely destroyed my expetations. Special shoutout to Razork who has been geting lot of hateful commenta thruout the year but still was motivated and single handedly carried many of oir games. Great work and do not be hara on eachotjer, everyone tried their best. 💛🖤💛🖤
Commented in
Thank You Fnatic
Loading...@Dr1z Wdym, just saying. My first time in this app, didnt know its a mistake.
Loading...could have made the link atleast clickable, can't even copy this url to paste it