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Fnatic since 5th Sep 2022

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Loading...If afro was the dude that shot JFK, he would've been alive that day
Commented in
AWP Afro
Loading...@qqqqqusssss @enestee Nevertheless, I still believe that the change in playstyle after joining Fnatic affected his game. He wasn't as consistent during matches as before, but yes, I agree, nicoodoz was the better option.
Loading...A significant number of captains have changed and several rosters have been reshuffled, but the mistakes remain the same: the map pool remains unchanged year after year (at best, 1-2 maps are functional). No matter who the AWPer is, they will inevitably drop below a 1.0 rating because Keita insists that every AWPer must focus on support and adopt a passive style. Tactical errors persist unchanged. I refuse to believe that all the captains who came to Fnatic had the same mistakes that are never fixed, but perhaps it's finally time to realize that the issue lies with the coach. It's high time to understand that the system Keita builds in games DOES NOT WORK.