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Can CS management team?

enestee's avatarenestee@enestee13/05/2024

Can CS management team?

Can one of Sammathews / Carn / Samuelsson / Rossr dare to go to a show like HLTV Confirmed and defend the roster changes that you made in the last 1 year?

Stop hiding in fnatic app...

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Avatar for Fnatic Sam
Fnatic Sam@sam• 14/05/2024
Avatar for qqqqqusssss
Loading...@sam ???????
Avatar for Moncho
MonchoPioneer Key Holder@moncho• 14/05/2024
Loading...@sam Tomorrow or today??
Avatar for Moncho
MonchoPioneer Key Holder@moncho• 14/05/2024
Loading...@sam Hi @sam!! The name the s1mple in the video presentation of blamef is a bait???
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 14/05/2024
Loading...Fnatic CS looks bad but in EPL we show we can play against better teams lets see the improvement and continue hoping
Avatar for pontus767
pontus767@pontus767• 14/05/2024
Loading...@CATXALOTE This must be a contextualized tho. VP had 4 days of pracc in the first game, fnc just barely beat them. Still a good result, in fact their first bo3 lan win. But it's still not enough to take you to a major i'd argue, given that's prob their peak level and they can't hit it consistently at all... 3dmax smashed them, EF game was close but they also looked out of form in epl, and fnc still lost. The last game vs vp, when they had been granted 3 more days, was quite one sided in their favor. You'd expect it to be even more so now. Fnatic cannot compete with t1, even on a good day. Given the rarity of their good days, they'd need luck to get out of an rmr. 6 months in and this roster has only 1 bo3 win on lan and is still yet to make top 24 in a big event. Every other permanent roster we've had managed to make top 8 at least once...
Avatar for reallyama
Loading...hltv confirmed is good podcast. fnatic management doesn't deserve
Avatar for Lars89
Lars89@Lars89• 13/05/2024
Loading...I agree ☝️ Edit: how can fnatic expect us to support a team when they lose everything without communication from their end, or signs that things are going to improve.